Confirm Your Marketplace Account Balance Monsoon

Confirm Your Marketplace Account Balance Monsoon

The payment entered at the POS cash register will reduce the marketplace vendor’s AR account balance.

After the payment has been entered as a ROA at the cash register, the balance in AR should reflect the current amount owed to your bookstore by the marketplace vendor.

You can see the Balance Due in Customer Activity at Jump 4121 (Receivables > Adjustments > Customer Activity).

To confirm the AR balance in customer activity:

  1. Access Customer Activity, Jump 4121 (Receivables > Adjustments > Customer Activity).

  2. Click on the Quick Search to access the Find Customer dialog box.

  3. Select the marketplace vendor

Compare the Balance Due amount to the amount owed to the bookstore by this marketplace vendor. Reconcile the amount with the marketplace vendor’s website. For assistance with reconciling your accounts, see our document “Reconciling Marketplace Payments.”

Manually apply the all refunds to the original Web Order invoice. This will allow you to Auto Apply Credits and have the payment pay the correct invoices and refunds.

If the refund comes in after the original invoice was allocated on a previous payment, then leave it unapplied and it will be allocated during the auto apply credits process to the current payment.