Rebuild Sales Process

Rebuild Sales Process

In Version  the rebuild sales process was changed. 

This change allows the store to rebuild sales from Web Orders and Mail Order, these previously had to be done by PrismRBS. It also allows for sales records that were deleted or did not previously exist to be rebuilt.

Steps to Rebuild Sales

To rebuild an existing sales record which is unable to be posted due to being out of balance:

  1. In the Manual Sales module, locate the unposted sales record that needs to be reloaded.

  2. Select hammer option Reload Sales.  (If the option is greyed out, click on Total Sales field in record header.)

  3. After selecting the option the Load Unposted Sales From Transactions dialog box will display.

  4. Verify sales date is correct for the record you want to reload.  You can either enter or use the dropdown to select another date if needed.

  5. Verify the POS List displays the correct Location and POS system.

  6. Then select OK.

  7. If Sales are successfully rebuilt the following message will display.

  8. Select OK.

  9. You can then manually post sales.

Rebuild Sales Messages

If the sales cannot be rebuilt with this process the following message will display.

When contacting support, screen shot this message and send it to (support@prismrbs.com) or create a ticket in the ticketing system (https://nebook.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1) and attach the screenshot.


If the date selected does not have transaction information, the following message will display. 


If the date selected already has a posted sales record, the following message will display.

If you do not want to reverse sales, select No.

If you select Yes, Sales will reverse to Unposted. You can then do the reload process.

Warning: If sales were posted in a prior sales month they will not repost in the same month.  Reversed Sales will post to the current sales month.

Combined Sales Data from PrismPOS

If the store was not closed in PrismPOS at the end of a business day, all sales for that day will be combined with the sales for the next day the store is closed when sent to PrismCore.

To created separate sales records for each business day:

  1. In PrismPOS Admin Tool navigate to Reports > Transaction.

  2. This brings up the Transaction Reconciliation.

  3. In Select POS choose the POS which was not closed.

  4. Then set the date.

  5. Select Run comparison.

  6. If the dates are out of sync, select the button Move All Sales to Create Date.

  7. Wait 60 minutes for the process to complete the push from Prism POS to PrismCore.

  8. Use the steps to Rebuild Sales listed previously to first reload the date that the store was closed. 
    Note: You must reload sales for the date the store was closed first to remove previous day(s) transactions from that record.

  9. After successfully reloading sales for the day the store was closed, select the option hammer and select Reload Sales.

  10. Change the date in the Load Unposted Sales From Transactions dialog box to the prior day.

  11. Verify the POS List displays the correct Location and POS system.

  12. Select OK.

  13. Repeat this process for any additional days which do not have sales records in PrismCore because the store was not closed.

  14. Manually post the sales for those days.

First Published 08/03/2020

Edited 08/03/2020

© 2020 Nebraska Book Company, Inc.  All rights reserved.

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