Add/Update Rental Records - NMRP

Add/Update Rental Records - NMRP

Once an NMRP Rental Period has been created, the rental records will automatically be created or updated during a nightly process. During this process, each title for the terms assigned to the period are checked, and if the title needs a rental record created, the system does so, and then changes any prices for existing rental records based on store pricing or NBC pricing, whichever is LOWER. 

If the NBC retail for a title is $100.00, with a $20.00 rebate, and the store retail price is $80.00, the rental record will use the LOWER of the two, or the $80.00, to calculate the rental price of $60.00 (Retail minus rebate).

Also, please be advised, when using NMRP, ALL titles for the tier you are signed up for will be used to create your rental list, based on your course adoptions.  You are unable to deactivate any rental book in the NMRP program.

If you want rental records to get updated immediately, you can go to Rental Number Maintenance, NMRP Add/Update Titles as shown:

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