Rental Number Maintenance - NMRP

Rental Number Maintenance - NMRP

Rental Number Maintenance <Ctrl+J 1012> is where rental records are maintained.  In this module, you can view outstanding rentals, review historical information, and print rental reports.

NMRP rental records are not created in Rental Number Maintenance.  They are created automatically during the overnight process.  Once created, NMRP rental records can be viewed in Rental Number Maintenance.

Rental Records

A rental record has two main sections: the header and the detail.  In the detail section, there are four tabs that are used to store rental information, both current and historical.

When a rental record is created, the rental record is attached to the corresponding textbook record.  Only one rental record is created per title / ISBN.  Rental information is then stored on the rental record for new and/or used.

Rental Record Header

The header displays the description, new SKU, ISBN, rental agreement, binding, copyright, edition, prefix, imprint and comment (Item Maintenance comment).  Three fields are editable: Description, Agreement, and Prefix.




This description defaults to Author/Title.  While the description can be edited, it’s recommend that it not be changed.


This field shows the NMRP agreement that was attached to the rental record when it was created and should not be edited.


This field is not used with dynamic rentals (where the rental barcode is assigned when rented).

Rental Record Detail Section

The rental detail contains information used to track rental records.  This includes the rental periods that the book was rented for, customer information and more.  This information is organized via four tabs:  Period, Detail, History and All History.

Period Tab

The Period tab shows which rental periods the book has been rented for, dates for each rental period, pricing information, whether or not the book rented as part of NMRP and more.

Below is a table containing information about each column with editable fields noted. To change a field, type the change in the field then click out of the field.





Description given to the rental period when it was opened.  Both current and previous rental periods in which the book is or was available to rent display.



The location in which the rental period is was opened.



Designation of new (NTX) and used (UTX) rental information for  a period.



First day that students can rent textbooks for the rental period. 


Refund Exp

Last day students can receive a refund of the full rental price. 



Last day students can rent for the rental period. 



Date that rentals are due back at the store from the students. 



Current retail selling price as seen at Item Maintenance.



Current item cost as seen at Item Maintenance.


Rental Price

Rental price as calculated using parameters for NMRP (lowest of NBC Retail or Store Retail minus rebate).  This amount cannot be edited.



Amount a student will be charged if the rental book isn’t returned by the due date.  This is populated by NBC and cannot be changed.



Amount added to the Replace amount when charging a student for rentals not returned to the store by the due date. This is populated by NBC and cannot be changed.



Controls whether or not new and/or used copies can be rented.  This is controlled by NBC, if the title is available it will be checked active.  If it is no longer available from NBC or it is no longer being used for the term, active will be unchecked.



Designation of whether or not a title is rented as part of NMRP. 



Designation of whether or not a title is an NBC Partnership title with the version.



Amount that NBC will pay for each copy (both new and used) rented.


Rental Max

Maximum number of copies that can be rented for either new or used. If you entered Max Rental quantities in Rental Configuration, those quantities appear here. This can be different for different titles. Max Rental of 0 means unlimited rentals.


Additional Info

Free form field that can be used to note additional information about a rental. If the information is applicable to both new and used, it must be entered on each line. Examples: “CD not required.” or “Solution card must be returned with text.”


Manual Price

Indicates whether or not the rental price as calculated by the system has been manually changed. For NMRP, rental pricing cannot be manually edited



When a rental record is created and a rental period is attached to it, two lines are placed in the detail for the period, one line for new (NTX) and another for used (UTX). 

Right Click Options on the Period Tab

Two options appear if you <right-click> on the period tab:  Add Item and Delete Item.

These options are not applicable for NMRP Rentals.

Detail Tab

The detail tab has the names of customers with outstanding rentals as well as the rental barcodes assigned to the rental title. Rental barcodes that have been rented previously but are not currently rented will not show a customer name.

Below is a table containing information about the fields in the Detail tab with editable fields noted. To change a field, type the change in the field then click out of the field.





NTX = new text    UTX = used text

When a book that was rented as a new copy is returned by the student, the Sys of the line will change from NTX to UTX.



The rental barcode assigned one of two ways, either when a copy of the title is rented dynamically or when assigned before the rental transaction using the Auto Generate XREF option accessed by right-clicking on the line.



Free-form editable comment field



Optional field, a prefix can be entered if you wish to create system generated numbers based on Dept/Course info or Bookkey when auto-generating rental barcodes for pre-stickered rentals. This field is not used when renting dynamically.



Optional field, ID will show the ID assigned when auto-generating rental barcodes for pre-stickered rentals.  Not used when renting dynamically.



Name of a customer who has an outstanding rental.  The customer name is written to this field when a copy of the title is rented.  The name is removed when the rental is refunded, returned or charged as a rental not returned.


Receipt Number

The POS or Mail/Web order receipt number of the rental transaction.


Tag Printed

Used only when book specific rental tags are printed. A check means that a rental barcode tag has been printed. Does not apply to books that will be dynamically rented. 


Right Click on the Detail Tab

There are three options on the <right-click> menu in the detail grid on the Detail tab:  Auto Generate XREF, Print Tags and Delete Item.

Auto Generate XREF

For NMRP you will be renting all books dynamically, so you will not use this option.

Print Tags

This option is used to print title-specific tags that are to be put on specific rental copies.  This is not the option used to print dynamic rental barcodes.  Tags printed using this option include author, title, rental number, rental XREF, and DCC.  The rental price will either print or not print as determined by the Type parameter setting in Rental Configuration. This is not used for NMRP.

Delete Item

The ‘Delete Item’ option will allow you to delete rental barcodes if they haven’t been used in a rental transaction.  If the rental barcode is attached to an outstanding rental or has history on the History tab, it cannot be deleted.  Only rental barcodes that haven’t been used can be deleted.

History Tab

The History tab displays the history of an individual rental barcode.  To view the history, select the rental barcode on the Detail tab, then click the History tab.

If you have used the same rental barcode for more than one rental period, you will see more than one line of history information.  If you do not re-use rental barcodes, there will be only one line of history per barcode.

Below is a table containing information about the fields in the History tab with editable fields noted. To change a field, type the change in the field then click out of the field.





Location where the book was rented


Rental Period

The period in which the book was rented



The customer who rented the book



The rental price



Free-form editable comment field


Receipt Number

The receipt number of the rental transaction


Rented Date

The date the rental copy was rented


Refund Date

The rental refund expiration date


Due Date

The date the rental copy is/was due back in the store


Return Receipt

The receipt number of the POS or Buyback transaction when the book was checked in


Return Date

The date the rental copy was returned or refunded


Return Type

Blank = rental still outstanding

Refund = returned before the rental expiration date

Return = rental copy returned after the refund expiration date but before the due date

Damaged/Lost = used to indicate the student either reported the stolen or the book was damaged and cannot be returned.

Returned to Nebraska = used to indicate the student returned the book directly to NBC.

Yes, under specific circumstances

Replacement Cost

Amount a student will be charged if the rental book isn’t returned by the due date. 


Replacement Fee

Amount added to the Replace amount when charging a student for rentals not returned to the store by the due date.



This column is used for NMRP rentals and should display as Y.



This column will display ‘v1’ for titles rented as NBC Partnership 1 titles. This column will display ‘v2’ for titles rented as NBC Partnership 2 titles.


Right Click on the History Tab

The following options are on the <right-click> menu in the detail grid on the Detail tab.

  • View Tender Information
  • Change Billing Information
  • Replace XREF
  • Edit Refund Expiration Date
  • Send Email Reminder
  • Process Replacement Charge
  • Close Rental

Depending upon whether or not the selected title is an NMRP title or a Store Managed rental, what you can do with some of these options is limited.

View Tender Information

Any user in a group where View CC Numbers is enabled for PrismCore Rental Number Maintenance in PrismCore Admin Group Security will be able to view the information, information cannot be edited in this option.

Change Billing Information

This option opens the ‘Edit Rental History Information’ dialog. 

For NMRP rentals you should not use this option to change the Return Type except to mark a rental Damaged or Lost.   

To mark the book as Damaged/Lost:

  1. In the History Tab, right-click on the item to be marked as damaged/lost.
  2. Choose Change Billing Information.

  3. The Edit Rental History Information dialog displays:

  4. Change the Return Type to Damaged/Lost.

  5. Click OK.

If you need to change a Rental Status to anything other than Damaged/Lost or change a Tender, please contact PrismCore ICS Support for assistance.

Replace XREF

This option can be used to replace the rental barcode, number on a rental copy with a different rental barcode.  Doing this will remove the line of history from the previous rental XREF and will place it under History and History All for the newly assigned XREF.  If the newly assigned XREF has never been used before, a new entry will appear on the Detail tab and you must select that new line to view the history of the XREF.

On the History tab, make sure you are on the correct line then <right-click>.  Select ‘Replace XREF.’  Enter the new rental XREF in the New Rental XREF field then click ‘OK.’

Edit Refund Expiration Date

The Edit Refund Expiration Date option can be used only if the End Date of the rental period has not yet been reached.

This option can be used to change the refund date for a specific rental record for a specific student.  This is the option to use if a student missed the refund expiration date and you want to make an exception and grant a full refund of the rental price paid.  (In contrast, the option under the hammer, ‘Reset Period Refund Date, changes the refund expiration date for all rentals for a selected period.)

With ‘Edit Refund Expiration Date,’ you can change the refund expiration date to the current day’s date or a future date.  You cannot set it to a date before the current day.  If you attempt to enter a date that occurred before the current day’s date, you will see the message “The refund expiration date must be on or after today’s date.”

Once the refund date is changed, the item can be refunded through the refund date.

Using this option changes the refund expiration date only for the specific title and customer selected.  It doesn’t affect the refund dates for any other rentals.

Note:   If you need to change the refund expiration date for an individual rental record and the chosen date is more than three weeks past the refund expiration date for the period, you may first need to change the refund expiration date for the entire rental period.  It’s recommended that you contact PrismCore ICS Support if this is the situation.

Edit Refund Expiration Date for a Single Rental
  1. Access Rental Number Maintenance.
  2. Search for the rental record.
  3. Click the Detail tab.
  4. Click once on the line of the rental record you want to change the date for.  (use the XREF column and/or the Customer column to make sure you’re one the correct rental copy.)
  5. Click the History tab.
  6. <Right-click> on the correct line item.
  7. Select ‘Edit Refund Expiration Date.’  The current date will appear in the Edit Refund Expiration Date dialog.
  8. Click OK to accept the current date or set the date to a future date and click OK.
Send Email Reminder

This option is used to send a rental reminder email to a single customer and is not used for NMRP rentals.

Process Replacement Charges

This option bills the replacement charge and fees (if applicable) for the specific title and student.  It is not used for NMRP Rentals.

Close Rental

This option closes the rental for the specific title and student.  It is not used for NMRP Rentals.

All History Tab

The information and options available on the ‘All History’ tab are similar to the information and options available on the ‘History’ tab.  However, ‘All History’ shows the complete rental history of a title, while the ‘History’ tab shows the rental history of a single copy (i.e., rental barcode.)

Below is a table with information on the column on the All History tab, editable fields are noted.  To change a field, type the change in the field then click out of the field.





Location where the book was rented


Rental Period

The period in which the book was rented



The customer who rented the book



The rental price



Free-form editable comment field


Receipt Number

The receipt number of the rental transaction


Rented Date

The date the rental copy was rented


Refund Date

The rental refund expiration date


Due Date

The date the rental copy is/was due back in the store


Return Receipt

The receipt number of the POS or Buyback transaction when the book was checked in


Return Date

The date the rental copy was returned or refunded


Return Type

Blank = rental still outstanding

Refund = returned before the rental expiration date

Return = rental copy returned after the expiration date but before the due date

Damaged/Lost = used to indicate the student either reported the stolen or the book was damaged and cannot be returned.

Returned to Nebraska = used to indicate the student returned the book directly to NBC.

Yes, in

specific instances

Replacement Cost

Amount a student will be charged if the rental book isn’t returned by the due date. 


Replacement Fee

Amount added to the Replace amount when charging a student for rentals not returned to the store by the due date.



This column is used for NMRP rentals and should display as Y when renting as part of NMRP.



This column will display ‘v2’ for titles rented as NBC Partnership 2 titles.  If a book had previously been rented as part of Partnership 1, ‘v1’ will display.


Hammer Options in Rental Number Maintenance

The Hammer options in Rental Number Maintenance are:

  • Rental Configuration
  • Print Dynamic Barcodes
  • Reset Refund Expiration Date
  • NMRP Setup Verification
  • NMRP Add/Update Titles
  • NMRP Reconciliation
  • NBC Partnership Return Reconciliation
  • Send Due Date Reminds
  • Process Not Returned Billings
  • Close Open Rentals

Print Dynamic Barcodes

This option generates rental barcode stickers that are used for dynamic renting.  These tags contain sequentially numbered rental barcodes but no book information and are designed to be placed on any book.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Access Rental Number Maintenance.
  2. Click the hammer.
  3. Select Print Dynamic Barcodes.
  4. Using the down arrow, select Rental Barcode Only or Rental Barcode with Due Date.
  5. Click the ellipsis to select the printer, if necessary.
  6. Type the quantity of barcodes to print.
  7. Click OK.

Reset Period Refund Expiration Date

The option under the hammer to reset the Period Refund Expiration date should be used carefully.  Here are some things to be aware of:

  • This option can be used only before the End Date of the rental period.
  • This option changes the Refund Expiration Date for all rentals assigned to a single rental period and the date is used for any future rentals for the selected period.
  • You must be logged into ICS with an account designated as a Super User to use this option.
  • Before changing the refund expiration date using this option, you first must change it on the rental period in Rental Configuration. Running this process pulls the date as set in Rental Configuration.
  • If you set the Refund Expiration Date to a past date (i.e., before the date you are making the change), outstanding rentals can no longer be refunded.
  • If you set the refund expiration date to be the current day or in the future, any outstanding rental can be refunded until that date has passed.

Reset Period Refund Expiration Date for the Entire Rental Period

  1. Log into PrismCore ICS as a super user.
  2. Access Rental Number Maintenance.
  3. Click the hammer.
  4. Select Rental Configuration.
  5. Select the Rental Periods tab.
  6. Double-click the line for the period you wish to change.
  7. Edit the expiration date in the Refund Exp Date field.
  8. Click OK to accept the new date.
  9. Click OK to exit Rental Configuration
  10. Click the hammer.
  11. Select “Reset Period Refund Expiration Date”
  12. Select the rental period.  A message stating the follow will appear: This will reset the Refund Expiration Date for all outstanding history records for the selected rental periods.  Do you want to continue?”
  13. Click Yes to continue.  A message will appear showing how many records were changed by the process.

NMRP Setup Verification

To validate the SAN for the locations:

  1. Go to Rental Number Maintenance and select NMRP Setup Verification from the Hammer option.

  2. The NMRP Setup Verification dialog displays:

  3. Click Check Communication and SAN’s button.

  4. The process of checking the SAN will occur. A status of Valid SAN needs to be returned. If the status shows anything other than Valid SAN, please contact PrismCore ICS Support.

NMRP Add/Update Titles

NMRP Rental records will be created automatically during the overnight process.  If you want rental records to update immediately, you can use this hammer option to start the communication with NBC to check for rental availability and create/update the rental records.

NMRP Return Reconciliation

This is used to communicate the rentals which are being shipped to Nebraska at the end of the rental period.  See NMRP Return Reconciliation

NBC Partnership Return Reconciliation, Send Due Date Reminders, Process Not Returned Billings, Close Open Rentals, RNR Register Assignments

These options are not used for NMRP Rentals.

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