Processing Payments No AR

Processing Payments No AR

Notification of Payment

The process begins when you receive an email such as the ones shown below from a marketplace vendor.

In this case, a deposit of $5,521.58 has been made to your store’s bank account by amazon.com. Note that the monthly Seller Fee of $39.99 has been deducted from the total owed the store. Print a copy of the email for your records.

Print a Marketplace Reconciliation Report from Ship Mail Orders, Jump 153 (Inventory Management > Mail Order > Ship Mail Orders), selecting amazon.com for the marketplace, the date range covered by this payment and both sales and refunds.

Print a payment detail report from the marketplace website.

Reconcile the Primary Tender amount on the Marketplace Reconciliation report with the detail report printed from the marketplace website. You may need to account for fees; also verify shipping amounts and refunds.

The comparable notification from half.com is shown. Here we see that a direct deposit of $3,240.56 will be made to the store’s bank account. Print a copy of the email for your records.

Print a Marketplace Reconciliation Report from Ship Mail Orders, Jump 153 (Inventory Management > Mail Order > Ship Mail Orders), selecting half.com for the marketplace, the date range covered by this payment and both sales and refunds.

Print a payment detail report from Half.com. Go to http://www.half.ebay.com; login to My Account; go to Payment History and select a payment period.

Reconcile the Primary Tender amount on the Marketplace Reconciliation report with the payment detail report printed from Half.com. You may need to account for fees; also verify shipping amounts and refunds.