Quick Checklist N

Quick Checklist N

  1. Set up user accounts on amazon.com, www.half.com, www.abebooks.com, www.alibris.com & www.endicia.com. See Monsoon documentation.
  2. Download and install the Dazzle mailing software from Endicia. See Monsoon documentati
  3. Stock up on mailing supplies:

Packing tape

Order mailing envelopes from Nebraska

Recommend three cases each of:

NEBRAMAI05 100 per case

NEBRAMAI06 50 per case

UPS Worldship mailing labels (work with Endicia Dazzle as well):

UPS item number 01774504 Qty 500

Spare toner or ink cartridge(s) for printer

  1. Set up MARKETPLACE Vendors as customers in Mail Order.
  2. Set up tender & shipping codes in PrismCore Mail Order Parameter
  3. Set up POS tender for automatic deposits, pay in for payments and pay out for fee
  4. Meet with shipping staff:

Discuss order fulfillment logistics

Review order processing in PrismCore

Review refund processing on the Monsoon Marketplace website and in PrismCore

Review “Pitfalls to Avoid”

Set up files to manage shipped orders paperwork and payment notification

  1. Strive to achieve 100% order fulfillment rate within 24 hour
  2. Set up a check list for ref Refunds must be done twice, once on the website to satisfy the customer, second in PrismCore Mail Order to satisfy inventory. Make sure that you are creating both refunds.
  3. Receive email notification of payment from Amaz

Process ROA through Register

Account for any fees

Compare payment to mail orders and refunds for the payment period

  1. Leave feedback for your customers and review feedback left by your customer