KB273: Creating a New VisualRATEX User in Unix
Topic: To set up a new Unix user, the mkvruser.sh script must be run. Want to distribute these instructions? Attached to this article is a printer-friendly PDF version.
The instructions below will walk you through the prompts the script will display. The bolded data are example responses to these prompts - your answers may differ.
1. To run this script, you must login to Unix as root.
2. Type /dbms/scripts/mkvruser.sh to run the script.
3. Complete the prompts:
Does this user need decryption rights? (Y/N) Y
Managers and users that perform the following functions will need decryption rights:
- Opening the day
- Restarting credit card queues
- Running settlement
- Viewing credit card numbers for problem resolution
Groups that this user will belong to, separate with spaces, to end [encrypt vr] (Press Enter)
Most users will leave this blank.
User Type: Production/Test/Upg (P/t/u) P
4. After completing the prompts, the user will be created: User xyzzy created successfully
5. At this point, you must set the password parameters for the user:
The user will not be able to log in until a password is set.
Would you like to set the password for the user now? (y/n) Y
If Y, the password will be changed and the authentication tokens will be updated after you retype/confirm the password:
New UNIX password: (enter password here)
Retype new UNIX password: (enter password here)
Set password expiration for this user? (y/n) N
If set to Y, the user will need to create a new password every [xxx] days.
Require user to change password at next login? (y/n) N
If Y, the user must create a new password the next time they login.
6. After completing the password-related prompts, you will be presented with the option to create another user. To create another user, enter a Y. To finish, enter a N and the program will exit.
Note that these are only the instructions for the Unix portion of setting up a user. To complete the setup, the user must also be created in VisualRATEX. This is done in the User Maintenance screen, accessed through the Admin > User Maintenance menu option.