KB138: OF - Reprint Pick Lists

KB138: OF - Reprint Pick Lists

Topic: Reprint Pick Lists

To reprint pick lists, go to Order Fulfillment > Warehouse Management > Utilities > Pick List Reprint

To reprint a pick list, select a reprint type:

Pick List - if you want to print an entire pick list run, select Pick List and enter the Pick List ID in the Process Record field. The Pick List ID is NOT the sales order number. When pick lists are printed in Pick List Maintenance, each of the sales orders is assigned a specific Pick List ID. The Pick List ID can be found:

(1) on the printed pick list summary sheet,
(2) in the Pick List field in Shipment Maintenance (to access this, open the order, go to the Product Information tab, press F9, and select Shipment Detail. This will open the order in OF.SHIPMENT.MNT and if the order has been picked, you will see the pick list number in the Pick List field in the grid)
(3) from TCL by typing >SORT PICK.LIST ONLY.

Single Shipment - if you want to print a single shipment, select Single Shipment and enter the sales order number and the shipment ID in the Process Record field, ex. 0000123001, 0000123 being the sales order number and 001 being the shipment ID.

Click the Process button to reprint the pick list.