KB159: OF - Commit Logic

KB159: OF - Commit Logic

OF - Commit Logic

Every sales order has a 'commitment' quantity in the SALES.ORDER file that tells you how many of an item is being picked on an order:

COMMIT.QUANTITY Commit quantity  in line 122
COMMIT.DATE.TIME Commit date time in line 123

This is viewable if F9 on the Product Information tab in OF.SALES.ORDER.MNT. It will show you the commit, date, and time.

There are situations when the commits do not 'clear' properly when an order is closed, which prevents orders from picking even when there is stock. To correct this, we have created a program that can be run at TCL. It clears and rebuilds all of the commit queues. Ideally, this should be run with all of the OF users off the system, but it runs fairly quickly and can be run during the day if absolutely necessary.