KB194: Order Fulfillment Address updating logic

KB194: Order Fulfillment Address updating logic

Order Fulfillment Address updating logic

Also see: KB #168 - Customer Ship Address Information

When an internet order is converted to a sales order in Order Fulfillment, a customer record is created or updated with the billing address and shipping address that was entered on the order. The shipping address is maintained in a file called CUSTOMER.SHIP which is viewable in Customer Maintenance > Customer Ship tab. The Billing address is entered on either the Home address tab or the Campus address tab of the customer record, depending on the following:

1) If the internet order email address matches the home email address and not the campus email address, then the home info is updated.

2) If not and the internet order email address matches the campus email address and not the home email address, then the campus info is updated.

3) If not and the internet order zip matches the home zip and not the campus zip, then the home info is updated.

4) If not and the internet order zip matches the campus zip and not the home zip, then the campus info is updated.

5) If not and the internet order zip's first three digits matches a zip in AV.PARAMETER CAMPUS.ZIPS then the campus info is updated.

6) Otherwise the home info is updated.

The address info on the order is used for AVS purposes regardless of which address info was updated.