NBC Partnership Rebate - Partnership 2

NBC Partnership Rebate - Partnership 2

This report is used to track the monthly rebates for NBC Partnership 2 rentals. It does not include Store Managed rentals.

When printed for a single monthly batch, the amount of the rebate received for that month will show on the report. The Batch # is number assigned to the month by NBC. The NBC Period is a code assigned to the rental period.

When you receive a monthly rebate check, check it against this report for the matching month to verify that the amount of the check is correct. If the amount of the check is correct, do a pay-in for the rebate check for the AR tender that was used for the rental sales. If the amounts do not match, call PrismCore ICS Support.

This report can be printed as consolidated (a title rented multiple time shows one line with the total rebate amount for that title) or not consolidated (a title rented multiple times show a line item for each time it was rented).

It can be printed for all rental periods or a single rental period. Likewise, it can be printed for all NBC periods or for a single NBC rental period. Sort options include SKU, ISBN, Author, Title and Rented Date. Columns on the report include ISBN, Author, Title, Rebate Amount and Batch#.

NBC Partnership Rebate Report - Consolidated

NBC Partnership Rebate Report – Not Consolidated