Accounts Receivable Transactions
Accounts Receivable Transactions
AR (Accounts Receivable) Sale Transaction
- On the Home Screen, scan the item barcode.
- If barcode is missing or it will not scan, select Items, search for the item, and select it from the list.
- If selling an item from the Quick Menu, locate and select the item.
- Change quantity, if necessary in Transaction Detail using Plus or Minus sign.
- Attach customer to transaction:
- Swipe Customer ID.
OR - Select Customers tab, search for customer. Highlight Customer from list, double click or select Add to Transaction to add customer to transaction.
Note: If new customer select Customer then New Customer, in bottom right corner of Details Frame and add customer. For more details, see Adding a New Customer.
Note: The customer may be attached to the transaction at any time.
- Swipe Customer ID.
- The customer's first name, last name, display in Transaction Detail, above Subtotal and Tax.
- After scanning all items, select Pay.
- Payment Method displays in Details Frame.
- Select A/R CHARGE.
- A/R Charge: Tender Amount displays with available accounts, select the appropriate account.
- If the selected account will pay the full amount, select Complete, in the lower right corner of the Details Frame.
- If the selected account will only pay part of the amount, enter the amount, select Complete and the system will prompt for the next tender.
Note: Depending on back-office system's customer and account parameters, further prompts may display for inserts, etc. - Transaction completes and receipt prints.
- The receipt will indicate the account charged and remaining account balance:
- Transaction Complete dialog box displays.
- Select Reprint Receipt, Print Gift Receipt, or enter an email address in the Email Receipt field.
- Select Next Transaction.
AR (Accounts Receivable) Refund Transaction
- On the Home Screen, scan the barcode from the receipt, or use Receipts to search for the receipt.
- If the customer does not have the receipt and you are allowing the refund, scan the item, or look it up using Items.
- If the item is a Quick Menu item, select it from the Quick Menu.
- Select item(s) for refund if using original receipt:
- Select Refund All in the lower portion of Transaction Detail.
OR - Select single items by highlighting the item in Transaction Detail and selecting Refund Item.
Note: If you are refunding more than one item from the receipt it will be faster to Refund All and then remove the item(s) that will not be refunded.
- Select Refund All in the lower portion of Transaction Detail.
- Select Pay and tender.
- A/R Charge: Tender Amount displays with available accounts, select the appropriate account.
- Select Complete in the lower right corner of the Details Frame.
- Transaction completes and receipt prints.
- Transaction Complete dialog box displays.
- Select Reprint Receipt, Print Gift Receipt, or enter an email address in the Email Receipt field.
- Select Next Transaction.
AR (Accounts Receivable) Exchange
- At the Home Screen, scan the barcode from the receipt, or use Receipt to search for the receipt.
- If the customer does not have the receipt and you are allowing the refund/exchange, scan the item, or look it up using Items.
- If the item is a Quick Menu item, select it from the Quick Menu.
- Select item(s) for refund if using original receipt:
- Select Refund All in the lower portion of Transaction Detail.
OR - Single items may selected, by highlighting the item in Transaction Detail then selecting Refund Item the lower portion of Transaction Detail.
Note: If you are refunding more than one item from the receipt it will be faster to Refund All and then remove the item that will not be refunded.
- Select Refund All in the lower portion of Transaction Detail.
- Select items to sell: scan the barcode, or locate using Quick Menu or Items.
- Select the Pay.
- If even exchange the transaction will complete.
- If exchange was not even select A/R at Payment Method.
- A/R Charge: Tender Amount displays with available accounts, select the appropriate account.
- If you owe the customer money, select the button for the amount owed
OR - If the customer owes money, select the appropriate button based how they pay you.
- If you owe the customer money, select the button for the amount owed
- Transaction completes and receipt prints.
- Transaction Complete dialog box displays.
- Select Reprint Receipt, Print Gift Receipt, or enter an email address in the Email Receipt field.
- Select Next Transaction.
ROA Pay In
- Attach customer to transaction:
- Swipe Customer ID.
OR - Select Customers tab, search for customer.
- Swipe Customer ID.
- Select Quick Menu then Pay In.
- Select the Account for the payment and enter the amount.
- Select Add.
- Select Pay then, the Tender and complete transaction.
- The receipt will indicate the account charged and remaining account balance:
- Transaction Complete dialog box displays.
- Select Reprint Receipt, Print Gift Receipt, or enter an email address in the Email Receipt field.
- Select Next Transaction.
Balance Inquiry
- On the Home Screen, select Balance to check the balance of a Gift Card or Accounts Receivable account.
- Search by Customer #, Gift Card, or Tender.
- A search by Customer results in a listing of accounts receivable accounts attached to that customer. The Account Name, Amount Spent, and Available Balance display.
- A search by Gift Card results in a listing of gift card number under Account Name, along with Amount Spent, and Available Balance display.
- Selecting Tender for your search results in a Select Tender dialog box.
- Select the tender.
- Enter the customer number in the search field and search.
- The Account Name, Amount Spent, and Available Balance display.