Serial Number Transactions
Serial Number Transactions
Serial Number Sale
- On the Home Screen, scan the serial number barcode.
- If barcode is missing or will not scan, select Items, search for the item, and select it from the list.
- Scan Serial XREF Barcode Now dialog box displays.
- Scan/enter the serial number again.
- The Serial Number and Serial Xref display in the Details Frame.
Note: The Serial Number is the manufacturer number and the Serial Xref is a number generated and assigned to the unique item, by PrismCore ICS. - Attach the customer to the transaction by swiping their ID or searching/adding them from Customers.
- Finish scanning items then select Pay.
- Payment Method displays in Details Frame.
- Select tender and complete payment.
- The transaction completes and receipt prints.
- Transaction Complete dialog box displays.
- Select Reprint Receipt, Print Gift Receipt, or enter an email address in the Email Receipt field.
- Select Next Transaction.
Serial Number Refund
- On the Home Screen, scan the barcode from the receipt, or use Receipts to search for the receipt.
- If the customer does not have the receipt and you are allowing the refund, scan the item, or look it up using Items.
- Select item(s) for refund if using original receipt:
- Select Refund All in the lower portion of Transaction Detail.
OR - Select single items by checking the check box to the left of the item(s), in Transaction Detail and selecting Refund Item(s).
- Select Refund All in the lower portion of Transaction Detail.
- Select Pay.
- At Payment Method, select the original tender or the Choose from All Tenders, to select a different tender, and complete the transaction as normal.
- The transaction completes and receipt prints.
- Transaction Complete dialog box displays.
- Select Reprint Receipt, Print Gift Receipt, or enter an email address in the Email Receipt field.
- Select Next Transaction.