Serial Number Transactions

Serial Number Transactions

Serial Number Sale

  1. On the Home Screen, scan the serial number barcode.
    1. If barcode is missing or will not scan, select Items, search for the item, and select it from the list.
  2. Scan Serial XREF Barcode Now dialog box displays.

  3. Scan/enter the serial number again.
  4. The Serial Number and Serial Xref display in the Details Frame.

    Note: The Serial Number is the manufacturer number and the Serial Xref is a number generated and assigned to the unique item, by PrismCore ICS.
  5. Attach the customer to the transaction by swiping their ID or searching/adding them from Customers.
  6. Finish scanning items then select Pay.
  7. Payment Method displays in Details Frame.
  8. Select tender and complete payment.
  9. The transaction completes and receipt prints.
  10. Transaction Complete dialog box displays.
  11. Select Reprint Receipt, Print Gift Receipt, or enter an email address in the Email Receipt field.
  12. Select Next Transaction.

Serial Number Refund

  1. On the Home Screen, scan the barcode from the receipt, or use Receipts to search for the receipt.
    1. If the customer does not have the receipt and you are allowing the refund, scan the item, or look it up using Items.
  2. Select item(s) for refund if using original receipt:
    1. Select Refund All in the lower portion of Transaction Detail.
    2. Select single items by checking the check box to the left of the item(s), in Transaction Detail and selecting Refund Item(s).

  3. Select Pay.
  4. At Payment Method, select the original tender or the Choose from All Tenders, to select a different tender, and complete the transaction as normal.
  5. The transaction completes and receipt prints.
  6. Transaction Complete dialog box displays.
  7. Select Reprint Receipt, Print Gift Receipt, or enter an email address in the Email Receipt field.
  8. Select Next Transaction.