Purchase Orders - Receiving

Purchase Orders - Receiving

Receive Product on Open Purchase Order

Receiving on a Single PO

  1. Access Purchase Orders.

  2. Search for purchase order by one of the search methods, and/or use the date fields.

  3. Select Edit, to the left of the PO.

  4. Scroll to the detail.

  5. Use + Add Products if you need to add and receive product that was not on the original PO.

  6. Enter RCV (Received), Cancelled, Back Ordered quantities as applicable.

    1. Batch Receive, receives all outstanding quantities, unless they are back ordered.

      1. Back Ordered/Cancelled quantities need to be entered before selecting Batch Receive.

    2. Batch Cancel, cancels all outstanding quantities.

      1. If you have received or backordered any products, enter those quantities first.

  7. Select Save.


Receiving for Multiple POs

  1. Access Purchase Orders.

  2. Search for purchase orders by one of the search methods, and/or use the date fields.

  3. Select the checkbox to the left of each PO you want to work. You will see the number of POs selected appear next to the Print, Work, and Delete POs buttons.

  4. Select the desired button.

a. If Print is chosen, select whether you want to include Retail. Selecting OK will export a PDF containing all POs selected, with a page break between each PO.

b. If Work is chosen, the Edit Purchase Order screen will open for the first PO. Make your edits or do your receiving. When finished with that PO, click the Next button in the upper right to move to the next PO. Select the Previous button in the upper left if you want to move back to that PO. Changes are automatically saved as you move through the POs.


c. If Delete is chosen, a popup box will appear asking “Are you sure you want to delete X Purchase Orders?” Select Delete or Cancel.



Note: If you need to receive more than you ordered, change the QTY and save before you batch receive as it receives the Qty.

First Published 04/09/2021

Edited 06/22/2023

© 2021 PrismRBS.  All rights reserved.


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