Web Orders

Web Orders

Web Orders homepage

On the Web Orders home page, utilize the checkboxes to narrow your search results based on Status.

Print Picklist button appears at the top of the page, you must select a web order (using the checkbox on the left of the web order line) to be able to print.


Web Order Search


Work Order

  1. Search for the desired Web Order and select Edit.

  2. In the Web Order, select Work Order.
    Note: If you need to make changes to the Web Order, like adding products, do that before working order.

  3. In the Work Order popup screen, it will default the Fulfilled Qty to the Qty to Fill amount.
    Make any changes as needed.

  4. If desired, add Shipping Comments or Special Comments. These will print on the Picking List and Packing List.

  5. When finished, select Process $.

  6. Once Processed, if all quantities on the order are shipped or cancelled, it will changed the status to Complete.

  7. Print the Packing List and Receipt.


Payment Options

The payment type may be changed by selecting the edit icon next to the Payment field. When the customer has selected an AR tender as the payment option, the order will come in with “Payment method is invalid” in red. The Work Order button will show as inactive until this is addressed.

You must select an account using the Payment edit button. image-20240418-145613.png Click Select on the appropriate account and then click OK on the message box that appears.

The Account and Agency fields will now display the account selected.


If the tender is a department charge, an additional edit button image-20240419-162136.png will appear after saving for adding more information. If the prompts were filled in by the customer when placing their order, the information will appear in the Special Comments field on the web order.

For Backorder

In the Work Order Popup screen, fill in the QTYs as applicable in the Back Order QTY field, when you select process, the order will Be in Backorder status. When you receive the products, follow the above process.

To Cancel an order.

On the Web Order Details screen, select Cancel Order.
This will Cancel the order and a confirmation message will appear on screen.
NOTE: Once selected, it WILL cancel the order and send an automated email if that template is configured and active. However, you can reopen any order that is in a Cancelled or Completed at Register status. Reopening these orders will not trigger an automated email to the customer.


Note: If there is incomplete or invalid information, it will display warnings in red. You can then edit the information or close/cancel the order or complete at register.














Print Picking List

List of items and quantity for the order

Packing List

The paper included in the order shipment, includes shipping information


Order is ready to be worked.


Receipt for Web Order with price breakdown


Part of the order has been fulfilled.

Add Products

Add products to an existing order


One or more items are temporarily out of stock and waiting to become in stock to be shipped

Work Order

Select this to either fulfill or enter in backorder/cancelled qty.


The order has been sent and fulfilled.

Internal Order Fulfillment Notes

Internal Only


Order has failed to process.

Shipping Instructions

Will print on the packing list


The order has been cancelled or completed at the register.

Special Comments

If using additional prompts with department charge tenders, the values entered by the customer will appear in this field.

Web Order Picklist, Packing List, and Receipts

In Web Orders you are able to view and edit your Web Orders that come from your website.
On the homepage, search for or filter your results using any of the given criteria.

  1. To print your Picklist, select the checkbox on the Web Order(s) line you wish to print. The Print Picklist button will become available to select. Upon selection, the picklist(s) will download to your browser, select it open in new tab to view and print.

    Note: The barcode on the top right of the picklist is barcoded representation of the web order number at the top right corner of the picklist so users can scan the web order number from picklist using a barcode scanner.

  2. To print Packing List or Receipt for a Web Order the Web Order must be at least Partial or Complete.
    Select Edit for the Web Order. Once worked, under the Shipment Date field you will see Packing List and Receipt buttons. Select to download respectively to your browser, once downloaded you can select it to open into a new tab and save or print.







First Published 05/06/2021

Edited 08/02/2023

© 2021 PrismRBS  All rights reserved.

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