Add Common GM Product

Add Common GM Product

A common GM product is an item that comes in a single version (calculator, headphones, mouse) or is a serialized product. (Laptop, iPad)
NOTE: Once you create a product as a Common GM Product, you cannot make it a Matrix later.

  1. Select + Add from the Product Maintenance, then Add Common GM Product.


  2. Fill out all required fields as indicated by an asterisk*

  3. Tag type will autofill based on DCC selection.
    (If it doesn’t and you want it to, review your DCC in Admin and add a Tag Type)

  4. Select Brand if desired.
    If you are unable to find the Brand, select Add New.

  5. Product Notes are internal only.

  6. Select Size and Color if desired. If the size/color you are looking for does not exist, you will be able to add new Variants in the next window.

  7. Select Generate(1)SKU


Edit General Merchandise: General Data Tab

In Edit General Merchandise, you have 2 tabs: General Data and Suppliers. You begin in General Data.

  1. In General Data tab, make adjustments to any of the Product Information as needed. You are also able to ‘Add New’ Variants(Size or Color) from this page.

  2. In the SKU(s) section, the Default Barcode is the product SKU, you can edit this by selecting More, then select Add in Add Barcode and press OK.
    Any barcode added here is scannable and will find the product.


  1. If Product will be sold online, fill out the online profile, as defined below.

  2. Select Save, then go to the Suppliers Tab.


Edit General Merchandise, General Data













Product Description

200 character limit.

DEP Eligible

Toggle on if the serialized item is eligible for Apple DEP. Products marked as eligible will be included in any batches of serial numbers that are shared with a third party via DEP integration.


Dropdown list of your Brands. If desired brand is not available, select “Add New”

Event Price

Select View to see if it is attached to a sales event

Tag Type

GM, Book or NO PRICE

Last sold

Displays last sale date. Shows as N/A if there are no sales.

Product Notes

Internal only

Website Display Name

Display name for Product on your website

Default Supplier

Will populate when you add a Supplier.

Default Inventory Tolerance

Lets you apply a buffer for inventory numbers on the website. Ex. If set to 5, when Stock on Hand is 5 or less it will treat it as out-of-stock online to prevent unwanted sales.


Select from dropdown or Add New to create new size.

Shipping Override

Use this field if the item should have a different shipping amount than what normally would be calculated.


Select from dropdown or Add New to create new color.

Long description

Detailed description of product that shows on your website. Has the ability to link to a URL by highlighting the text you want as the link and clicking the image-20250211-212428.png button. You will then enter the URL you want to link to and click Save.

Serialized Product

Only select for serial number products, such as computers.

Web Catalogs

Select the Web Catalogs you would like this product to be in

Suppliers Tab

  1. Select +Add Supplier

  2. Select Supplier from dropdown

  3. Supplier Catalog # will default in as product SKU, change if desired.

  4. Description defaults to the entered Product Description.

  5. Enter Purchase Unit *

  6. Enter Cost Per Unit *

  7. Enter Auto Order QTY if Desired. (This is for future use)

  8. Select Save

Note: If you go back to the General Data Tab, you will now see the Supplier in the grayed out Default Supplier field.

  1. If desired, you are able to add multiple suppliers to the product, use the Default checkbox to indicate which is the default supplier.

  2. This information pulls into Purchase Orders.











Supplier Name

Drop down list of suppliers

Purchase Unit

Enter purchase unit.

Supplier Catalog #

Defaults to Product SKU, enter Supplier Catalog number.

Cost Per Unit

Cost per unit


200 character limit.

Auto Order QTY

Future Use.

Product Images

Product Images display in a few areas.

The Images at the top will show on your website if applicable.

Images entered in the SKUs section display at the register, as swatches on your website if applicable and will eventually be on Picklists.

As you create products, its a good idea to add images as you go.

The ideal is to have the product floating on a white background and be around 800 x 800 pixels.

For Image resizing tips, view this article. Mosaic product image resizing



Receiving on purchase orders or conducting a physical inventory are the best ways to get SOH set on products but sometimes you need to make a manual adjustment.

  1. Manage Stock On Hand by selecting Adjust SOH. It will open a window to adjust SOH.

  2. Enter in QTY adjustment, (to subtract put - in front of the amount)

  3. Select Reason from drop down

  4. Enter Comment for adjustment.

  5. Select OK to save.

  6. Stock will adjust and be tracked on the stock adjustment report.







First Published 05/06/2021

Edited 08/09/2023

© 2021 PrismRBS  All rights reserved.


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