Close a Term

Close a Term

When it’s time to close a term, you go to Course Materials > Terms > Select Edit on the desired term.

  1. If applicable, you can deselect the online sharing checkbox or change the online sharing end date as needed.

  2. Select Close Term

  3. Upon selection, Close Term warning box pops up. Review the selections

Compute and replace allocated inventory for next term? - Checking this option will reallocate inventory for titles that will be used in the next open term that were also used in the term you are closing and set their order decision status to REWORK, if it had been WORKED prior to closing the term.  Reallocation is based on the following equation:

Actual Buyback for each open**  term PLUS Received amounts for each open** term = Quantity A

Quantity A MINUS Sales in each open**  term = Quantity B

Stock On Hand MINUS Quantity B MINUS Allocated Inventory for each open** term = Reallocation amount for the next Active term

**The amounts (Actual buyback, Received, Allocated, and Sales) do NOT include the term you are closing but DO include other campuses in the selected location, not just the campus whose term you are closing.  The calculation does not include terms in other locations.

If you do not check this option, it will not reallocate for the next open term.

Compute and replace allocated inventory for next term? View Report

See report example on the right.

Current Allocation column shows your current books allocated.
New Allocation shows what it will be if you make this selection.
New Open To Buy calculates for this ISBN based on the new allocation.

Reset status of Order Decisions to rework? - This will only become available if the first option is not selected. This will flip your Order Decisions for this Term to Rework.

Remove Associated Want Lists - This removes Want Lists created for this term.

  1. Once you have made selections, if you are ready, select Close Term. Once selected you cannot undo.

  2. The Term Status will change to Closed.

Close Term warning box


First Published 01/27/2021

Edited 06/20/2023

© 2021 PrismRBS  All rights reserved.

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