EDA Course Lookup
The Course Lookup application allows you to view but not modify course information. With PrismCore, course information can be accessed via an item ID (SKU, XREF, or ISBN).
Course Lookup is included in Suite II of Nebraska Book Company’s applications.
How to Use Course Lookup
Touch the Application icon if you are in another application. Touch the Course Lookup icon.
Touch configure to configure your login. For detailed information on how to configure your login, refer to the “Logging into an Application” section of this document.
Note: “Restrict Lookup to Store” has no effect for PrismCore users. Regardless of how this checkbox is marked, the EDA will display information only from the selected store.
Once you have configured your login, touch OK and then Course Lookup. If necessary, touch the Location to change location.
Reminder: For PrismCore users, information for display will come from the store listed in the location box.
Select Item by touching it with the stylus. (With PrismCore ICS, course information by Student ID is not available.)
Enter the item ID in the field below Item. You can scan the XREF or manually enter it using the keyboard.
When a valid item ID has been entered, a list of the courses in which the item is used will display. The item’s ID will display below the Student/Item selection box.
To view the term for a specific department, course and section, highlight it. The term will display at the bottom of the screen.
For Course Lookup by Item, three buttons will display at the bottom of the screen: Details, Problem and Print.
Details: Touch Details to display campus, term, department, course and section. Included item information is SKU, Cat/ISBN, New Price, Used Price, New On Hand, Used on Hand, Request Type (Req/Rec/Opt), Problem Notification (Y/N), store number from where the information is being pulled and Author/Title.
Problem: If a problem notification exists for the highlighted DCS, touch Problem to view term, SKU, problem notification and problem notification comment as entered in PrismCore ICS. The Problem button
displays only when there is a problem notification entered for the item at Problem Notifications (MENU JUMP 117) in PrismCore ICS. For items that do not have a problem notification entered, this button will not appear.
Print: If a portable printer is attached to the EDA and you wish to print a receipt, information that prints is campus, term, department, course and section.
Touch Clear to clear the screen and enter another item ID.