EDA information Suite 1, 2, and 3

EDA information Suite 1, 2, and 3

This document contains information and instruction on how to use the EDA Applications developed by Nebraska Book Company. We recommend that you thoroughly read the documentation to become familiar with the EDA and the applications before you begin your use of the EDA.


The EDA is a small hand-held computer device that enables you to use a wireless connection to access your PrismCore Inventory Control System (ICS). The EDA uses a wireless access point (WAP) to connect to the network and ICS via Spectrum wireless networking. An interface that allows the EDA to access your Inventory Control System has been added to the communication programs used by PrismCore. This interface is controlled via settings in WPServer. (Note that this is WPServer, not WPAdmin.)

Nebraska Book Company Suites

Nebraska Book Company has developed three suites of applications for EDA’s that can be used with the PrismCore Inventory Control System (ICS). These suites are Suite I comprised of Lookup, Inventory, Purchase, and Receiving; Suite II comprised of Buyback Line Buster, Course Lookup, Financial Aid, POS Line Buster; and Suite III comprised of Mail Order, Merchandise Requests, Returns, and Sale to Wholesale. Please note that in order to use POS Line Buster, you must have WinPRISM POS, not PrismPOS.

What This Documentation Covers

The documentation covers Suites I, II and III of the Nebraska Book Company EDA applications for use with PrismCore. Other applications, such as address book, calculator, date book, etc. are also on the EDA. These programs are provided by Windows Mobile and are not supported by Nebraska Book Company, Inc. For information on non-Nebraska Book applications, refer to the Welcome program on your EDA.

There are some functions available to the EDA that are helpful when using any of the modules. Functions that are specific to Nebraska Book Company applications are addressed in this document. Information on functions that are specific to the EDA applications supplied by Windows Mobile can be found in the Welcome program on the EDA.

EDA Model Numbers

The model of EDA that Nebraska Book Company sells and supports is the Symbol SPT1846. For documentation, we are using a Windows Mobile Operating System emulator.  Therefore, some of the screen pictures that we will be using look slightly different than what you will see on the Symbol SPT1846. The differences, however, will be found only in the Windows Mobile OS, not in the applications provided by Nebraska Book Company, Inc.

Information on Configuring the Wireless Access Point

See Chapter 7, Wireless Applications, in the Symbol MC70 Enterprise Digital Assistant Integrator Guide.

WPServer Setup

Once the WAP is established on the network in your store and the port for wireless communication is opened, call your ICS Support team. The appropriate parameters in WPServer must be set. Then you will be ready to work with the EDA itself.



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