Web Setup

Web Setup

In the Web Setup screen, there are 3 tabs: Email Templates, Tenders, and Website Hosts.

Email Templates

If active, email templates are sent out for various triggers/notifications for web orders. Choose which templates you want to be active by selecting the active checkbox in the top right corner of each template. There are 4 templates: Processing Order, Backorder Notification, Shipping Order/Ready for Pickup, and Cancel Order

  1. Each template you will fill out the information as defined below. 

  2. Active checkbox defaults to selected, deselect if desired.

  3. Select Save Email Templates in the top right corner of the screen underneath the Website Hosts tab.









From Name

What appears in the from field for the email, most likely your store name

Processing Order

If active, will send to customers whose order is being processed.

Reply To

This is what customers will use to reply to the email, either use a store email or noreply, if desired.

Backorder Notification

If active, will send to customers whose order has one or more items that are backordered.


Subject line for email. (example: Your order is being processed)

Shipping Order/Ready for Pickup

If active, will send to customers whose order is shipped or ready for pickup.

Body of email

Fill in with the desired message.  Use the tool bar as needed.

Cancel Order

If active, will send to customers whose order was canceled. 


The Tenders Tab allows you to select (or deselect) which Tenders you want to be active on your Website. Select Save Tenders to save your changes.  

Note:  Tenders are configured in the POS Admin tool



Website Hosts

Currently Unavailable. Changes made here have no effect.




EDITED 06/26/2023

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