Multi-Store Web Shipping Codes and Tenders

Multi-Store Web Shipping Codes and Tenders

Shipping Codes

If the store wants to allow the customer to choose "In Store Pickup" as an option on the website, then new shipping codes need to be created inside of PrismCore Admin. The Shipping Codes must be named "Pickup at xxxx" where "xxxx" is the “description” or “short description” for the store, as entered in PrismCore Admin > Store Locations.

An example of a proper shipping code is below for "Philipbook" location. The "WebPrism" checkbox must be turned on for at least the main store location (the store assigned to the web line in WPConsole), so that it flows to the web. Once it is sent to the web, then it will be an option for a shipping method for the customer during checkout. These shipping codes override the "auto route" functionality (see “How to Route Orders” above), so if a customer selects a "Pickup at xxxx" shipping method, then the order will be routed to that store, even if the store does not have inventory records for the items.  If this occurs, the store can use the "Change Order Location" to change the location, or the store can perform a merchandise transfer to move inventory to that location for the customer.

Webprism Checkout Step: Shipping Info


Tender Codes

Tender codes should be set up in PrismCore Admin for the "Web Order" system of each location that is participating in multi-store web. The "WebPrism" checkbox should always be checked. Be sure to set up these Web Order Tenders the same way that they are for mail order.  For more information on setting up tender codes see the help menu in PrismCore Admin.


First Published 06/26/2020

Edited 06/26/2020

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