Auto Gen

Auto Gen

Auto Gen is used to Auto Generate Purchase Orders for your textbooks based on the parameters set in order decisions.
To avoid creating duplicate Auto Gen items, make sure you move the created POs into an Open status. This will ensure it does not add the same items if you generate again.


  1. Fill in the information as defined below.

  2. Once your selections are made, select Create Report, to see how many Purchase Orders it will be creating.
    It will also give you a break down of what you are ordering.

  3. When you are ready, select Generate, to create the Auto Generated PO(s).
    This will create the Auto Gen POs in Purchase Orders in a proposed status.
    Until it is moved to an Open status, if you select generate again it will add those same items on the PO(s)

  4. The POs display in Purchase Orders as AG - ________ in Proposed status. Select edit to view and change status.

    Auto Gen Purchase Orders



Note: If desired, you can make your Auto Gen record and then just reuse the same one each term, changing the term info. Essentially, creating a template for making auto gen orders. Currently, there is no way to delete an Auto Gen Record.

AG Screen











255 character limit

Add items to existing POs

Rather than create a new PO, this will add items to an existing Open PO.

Shipping Method

Select shipping method from drop down

Use only titles not already on want list

Use titles that are not already assigned to a want list.

Shipping Level

Select shipping level from drop down

Use term for subtract order short

Based on order short checkbox set in terms, selected or deselected.

Use Order Decisions

Must be selected.

Use term for buyback to subtract

What is set in term for buyback to subtract, none/estimated/actual

Include Non-Term Items

For future use.

Subtract order short amount

Based off of order short set in order decisions

Ship By Date

What date needs to be shipped by

Buyback to subtract

None, Estimated, or Actual

Arrival Date

What date order arrived


Select Term

Cancel After Date

When date to cancel

Use Active

If selected, campus selection becomes available


Will display in Purchase Order comments field when generated. This field will display on the Purchase Order.


Select Campus (available if “Use Active” is selected). The most recent term for the campus will display under Term.

DCC selection

Future Use


Open to buy percent




Generates Auto Gen PO. View in Purchase Orders



Create Report

Recommended to do first to see how many POs you will generate

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