Group Security Partnership 1

Group Security Partnership 1

You need to assign rights to any security groups that need access to Rental Number Maintenance.  The module will not display in ICS for a login until the login’s security group has rights to the module.

When setting rights to Rental Number Maintenance, there is a ‘View CC Numbers’ checkbox under Types.  This box controls whether users assigned to the security group can view the rental guarantee information in Rental Number Maintenance.  Credit cards can be used as the rental guarantee tender.

Credit card information is stored in PCI compliant, strongly encrypted format.  To remain PCI compliant, if you use credit cards as a rental guarantee tender, you must limit access to this information.  If an employee needs access to this information, that employee must be assigned to a security group with those rights. 

When the View CC Info box is checked in Group Security, a user assigned to the group can access the credit card number from the history tab of Rental Number Maintenance by right clicking in the grid and choosing View Tender Info.  If the box is not checked in Group Security, the option for View Tender Info is disabled.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. In WP Admin, access Group Security <Ctrl+J 114>.
  2. Search for a security group that will be allowed to access this module.
  3. Expand the Item Maintenance menu option in the right pane as shown above.
  4. Click on Rental Number Maintenance.
  5. In the left tabbed area, click the TX tab.
  6. Check the appropriate boxes under Modes and Types to assign rights and privileges to this user group. View CC Numbers should be assigned on a very spare, need-to-know basis.
  7. Save the settings.
  8. Repeat steps 2-7 for each group that needs to Rental Number Maintenance.