KB172: Adding new terms/courses to eRATEX

KB172: Adding new terms/courses to eRATEX

Topic: A few simple steps are required to display the appropriate terms & course information in eRATEX:

1. Define the appropriate terms in Text Parameter Maintenance, Term tab, Ctl Supply Analyze Terms grid. This grid must be kept up to date with the term(s) of course data you want to display in eRATEX.

2. When courses are created/modified for any term specified in the grid, they will be sent to eRATEX automatically. (TIP: If you need to refresh an entire term's worth of data to eRATEX, go to Admin > Web Store > Web Refresh Data, select the TX.CRF and the term to refresh, and click Refresh. NOTE: Using the old integration, this process will take time (hours) to load all of the course information.)

3. In the eRATEX Admin under Faculty > Modify Terms, set the Term Status to "Current." This will display the term in the eRATEX Booklist. (You may need to toggle the selection for the "Current" status to take effect.) To hide a term, set the Term Status to "Hidden."

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