Rental Transactions: Web and Mail Orders - NMRP

Rental Transactions: Web and Mail Orders - NMRP

Processing a Web Order with a Rental Item

When you access a web order containing a rental item in the Mail Order modules, there will be a check in the Rental column for the rental item(s).

When the order is processes and shipped, you are prompted to attach rental barcodes to rental items.  When you are prompted for the rental barcode you will need to assign a dynamic rental barcode.

Watch the screen carefully.  If there is more than one rental item on the order, you will be prompted for a rental barcode for each one.

If you assign the same rental XREF to more than one rental record when processing a mail order, you will receive the message ‘Rental XREF Assigned to More than One Rental.’  You will need to acknowledge the message and assign a different rental barcode.

When the web order is processed, the customer is charged for the rental, using the tender selected when the customer checked out.  A copy of the rental agreement prints along with the web order documents so that the agreement can be included in the shipment.

The rental guarantee tender that was selected when the rental was made on the web will be attached to the rental record.  It will be used to charge the customer if the book is not returned to the store.

When a web order is processed and closed, NMRP rentals are recorded as sales and store managed rentals are recorded as rentals.

Mail Order/Telephone Order with a Rental

If you manually enter an order for a textbook that can be rented, you will be prompted if the book is to be rented or not.

When you respond Yes to the prompt, the item will be added to the order as a rental.  If you respond No, the item will be placed on the order as a normal purchase.

When the order is processes and shipped, you are prompted to attach rental barcodes to rental items.  When you are prompted for the rental barcode assign a dynamic rental barcode.

Watch the screen carefully.  If there is more than one rental item on the order, you’re prompted for a rental barcode for each one and it’s easy to mix up barcodes if you do not pay attention.

If you assign the same rental XREF to more than one rental record when processing a mail order, you will receive the message ‘Rental XREF Assigned to More than One Rental.’  You will need to acknowledge the message and assign a different rental barcode.

You will be prompted for the Rental Not Returned Billing Information.  It is possible to indicate the same tender is being used to guarantee the rental by checking the Use Same Information as Tender checkbox when the Mail Order is fulfilled.

When a mail order is processed and closed, NMRP rentals are recorded as sales and store managed rentals are recorded as rentals.

Mail Order Shipping List and Packing List

The Mail Order Shipping List and the Mail Order Packing List found in Ship Mail Orders (Ctrl-J 153) clearly flags rented textbooks.  The detail line includes the following fields: Not Returned Cost, Not Returned Fee, Due Date, XREF, Rental Number, and Refund Expiration Date.  The reports have also been modified to include the Rental Agreement attached to the rental item. The report only prints one Rental Agreement.  If the customer is purchasing more than one rental item, then each must be on a separate Mail Order Shipment if your agreement is not written in such a way as to cover all rental items rented by the student in a single transaction.