PDA Course Lookup

PDA Course Lookup

The Course Lookup application allows you to view but not modify course information. Course information can be accessed via a student ID or an item ID.

How to Use Course Lookup

Touch the Application icon if you are in another application. Touch the Course Lookup icon.

Touch Configure to configure your login. For detailed information on how to configure your login, refer to the “Logging into an Application” section of this document.

Multi-Store Users:        Check “Restrict Lookup to Store” if you wish to display course information only for the selected store. To display course information for multiple store, leave “Restrict Lookup to Store” unchecked. When this box is left unchecked, course information will be displayed from multiple stores, however, the item information (such as price, stock-on-hand, etc) will be.

Once you have configured your login, touch Course Lookup. If necessary, touch the Location to change location.

Select whether you want to lookup course information by Student ID or by item.

Note:  In order to review course request data for a specific student ID, the PrismCore Enrollment module of Textbooks must be in use.

Course Lookup by Student ID

Before using Course Lookup by Student ID, make sure that the necessary information is entered in the Enrollment module in PrismCore.

Highlight Student by selecting it with the stylus.

Enter the student ID in the field below. You can scan the ID or manually enter it using the keyboard (kb) or Graffiti. Or, if you have a portable printer attached to the PDA, you can swipe the student ID card through the MSR reader attached to the portable printer.

Scanning a Student ID card

If you wish to scan the card using the MSR reader, you must select the “Scan” button at the bottom of the screen. Once “Scan” is selected, the screen will change to display “Student ID”. You must again touch the “Scan” button at the bottom of this second screen. When the PDA is ready for the card to be swiped, the message Swipe Card will display. If you want to abort the swiping of the card, touch “Abort”.

If a valid Student ID number is entered, touch “Continue” to transmit it to PrismCore so that the course information for the student can be retrieved. If no valid student ID is entered, touch “Continue” to return t the Course Lookup screen. “Cancel;” returns you to the screen where you can select between Student ID or item. When a valid Student ID is entered, whether manually, scanned or swiped, the course request information will display on the screen.

Department, course and section information will appear in the middle of the screen. To view the term for a specific department, course and section, highlight it. The term will display at the bottom of the screen.

There are four buttons across the bottom of the screen: Details, Problem Scan and Print.

Details -    Touch “Details” to display course information for the highlighted dept/course and section. The course details screen is divided into two parts. In the top portion of the screen, you will see campus, term, dept, course and section. In the lower portion, each item for the selected course will be listed. Information included for the item will be SKU, Cat/ISBN, New Price, Used Price, New On Hand, Used on Hand, Request Type (Req/Rec/Opt), Problem Notification (Y/N), store number from where the information is being pulled and Author/Title. If multiple items belong to the dept/course/section, the items will be listed with a line break between different records. When you are finished viewing the details, touch “Ok”.

Problem - If a problem notification exists for the highlighted DCS, touch “Problem” to view term, SKU, problem notification and problem notification comment as entered in PrismCore ICS. (note: As of August, 2004, Research & Development was receiving several Fatal Warning s when testing the Problem interface. They are continuing to work on this glitch.

Scan -  If you touch the “Scan” button while course information is on the screen, the course information will be cleared and the “Scan Student ID” screen will be displayed.

Print -  If a portable printer is attached to the PDA and you wish to print a receipt listing all the course information for the specified student, touch “Print”. Included on the receipt will be for each course in which the student in enrolled: campus, term, department, course and section; and for each item; catalog #/ISBN, author/title, new price, used price, new stock-on- hand, used stock-on-hand.

Course Lookup by Item:

Highlight Item by selecting it with the stylus.

Enter the item ID in the field below. You can scan the XREF or manually enter it using the keyboard (kb) or Graffiti. Touch Enter once the item ID has been entered in the field.

When a valid item ID has been entered, the following screen will display.

The item’s ID will display below the Student/Item selection box. The dept/course and section(s) in which the item is used will be listed. To view the term for a specific department, course and section, highlight it. The term will display at the bottom of the screen.

For Course Lookup by Item, three buttons will display at the bottom of the screen: Details, Problem and Print.

Details  - Touch “Details” to display campus, term, department, course and section. Not that a request has been made to include item information such as SKU, Cat/ISBN, New Price, Used Price, New On Hand, Used on Hand, Request Type (Req/Rec/Opt), Problem Notification (Y/N), store number from where the information is being pulled and Author/Title. As of August, 2004, this enhancement has not yet been implemented.

Problem  -  If a problem notification exists for the highlighted DCS, touch “Problem” to view term, SKU, problem notification and problem notification comment as entered in PrismCore ICS. (note: As of August, 2004, Research & Development was receiving several Fatal Warnings when testing the Problem interface. They are continuing to work on this glitch. (the Problem shows only if there is a problem notification entered in ICS.

Print  -  If a portable printer is attached to the PDA and you wish to print a receipt, information that prints is campus, term, department, course and section.

To exit, touch Home.

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