EDA Sale to Wholesale

EDA Sale to Wholesale

The Sale to Wholesale program allows you to choose items that you would like to sell to a wholesaler. These items can be on previous POs. The items can be for a specific term or they could be non term items. 

How to use Sale to Wholesale

Touch the Sale to Wholesaler icon.

Touch Configure to configure your login. For detailed information on how to configure your login refer to the “Logging into an Application” section of this document.

Once you have configured your login, touch Sale to Wholesaler.

This will open the Proposed Returns Screen.

On this screen all the current open Sale to Wholesaler orders are listed.  You can either choose one of these existing ones or you can touch New to create your own. If you choose one of the existing ones highlight it and touch OK.

If you choose to create a new one, touch New and you will be asked to select which vendor you want to create it for. To select the vendor either search by the vendor name in the search box, or scroll through the lists on the various pages and find the one you are looking for.  If you are scrolling, to go from one page to another touch Next. To go back to the screen that lists the open sales touch Cancel.

If you are creating a new Sale to Wholesaler after you select the vendor, you will have to enter the commission rates and postage. After you enter these Touch OK. If you want to return to the screen where you select a vendor (or choose New) touch Cancel.

After you touch OK (or if you chose a pre-existing sale) a screen will then open that lets you choose the location that is selling to the wholesaler and you can also choose which term (or non term) you are using to sell items.

Highlight the option you want and touch OK.

Enter the item ID in the XREF field on the screen. The item ID can be the book’s XREF or ISBN.  The XREF can be scanned or you can enter the item ID using the keyboard. If you manually enter the ID, touch Enter.

If the item is located in more than one subsystem you will need to choose which one you are returning and touch OK.

 After you touch OK (or if your item is located in only one subsystem) a screen will appear on which you will enter the number of that item that you are returning and how much money you are wanting per item.

If you want to see what other terms and locations this item is connected with touch Term.

After you have filled out Quantity of items you are selling to the wholesaler and the price each, touch OK and the item will be added onto the Sale to Wholesaler list.  Keep adding items until you have everything that you are selling to that particular wholesaler and touch Update. This will transfer the information into the Sale to Wholesale module in PrismCore.

If you change your mind on an item and want to delete it from the list, highlight it and touch Delete. If you would like to edit the number of items on the list or the price touch Edit. If you decide to cancel everything you’ve done on an order and return to the main screen, touch Clear.

If you touch Lookup, the lookup screen showing all the information about that particular item will appear.