

Tenders are created in PrismCore Admin, however certain tender parameters for PrismPOS that do not exist in PrismCore Admin Tender Parameters may be edited in the Admin Tool.
There are two parts to the Edit Tender screen. General edits that impact the tender overall and location specific edits.

  1. Select Tenders.

  1. Selecting Edit, takes you to Edit Tender, where you may edit Tender Code or for Canadian stores, the Conversion Rate.

Two fields may be edited here:



Tender Code

Changing the Tender Code here will change the Tender Code in PrismCore Admin, POS Tenders

Conversion Rate

For use by Canadian stores only.

  1. Select Edit in the lower portion of the screen, POS Tenders, to view/edit further parameters that are location based.

  1. The remaining parameters display.

Seven parameters may be edited from this dialog box:



Use Cash Rounding

For Canadian store only. Check the box for any currency you wish to round. Typically only Cash.

Rounding Unit (coin)

If Use Cash Rounding is checked enter the currency to round by. For example 0.05.

Rounding Fee Item ID

Non-merch Item ID set up to track the difference between the transaction total and the rounded total. For example, transaction is 10.83 and rounding is to 0.05, for 10.85. The 0.02 is tracked with this ID. Contact Support for set up assistance.

Print Signature Line

If you have Print Signature line selected in PrismCore Admin, you will then have the option to active having the captured signature image print on the receipt.

Requires Customer Receipt

Check the box to print a customer receipt.

Requires Merchant Receipt

Check the box to print a merchant receipt.

Auth Timeout

Controls the time before authorization attempt will timeout.

Sort Order

You may set the order you want tenders to display on your PrismPOS cash registers. Leave the setting at 9999 if you want the tenders sorted alphabetically.

MSR Card

Contact Support.

  1. After edits, select Save & Close.