

This option will be accessed if you need to add tenders, or if you want to view, modify or delete a tender type. Since there are a number of parameters to be set up for tenders, it is suggested that you call WinPRISM Support before adding, modifying, or deleting tenders here.
Note: Some fields for account tenders are overridden by Account Codes in
POS and Account Maintenance in Accounts Receivable. This is so some parameters can be specified for the individual account.
From the main Tender screen, you can click on the Quick Results button (small binoculars), to get a select list of the tenders already defined.

Adding a Tender

Tenders must be added in WPAdmin before they can be accessed at the register. To add a tender, click on the yellow plus sign, or tap the F4 key to bring up the following window.

Type in a name for the tender and click the OK button or press the enter key on your keyboard.


Account Number

Fill in this section if the tender requires an account number, leave these
fields blank if it does not.




If this tender requires an account number, place a checkmark in the



If legitimate account numbers always start with a particular
character or characters (i.e. Visa cards always start with the
number 4), putting that character or those characters in this section allows WinPRISM POS to catch errors if a cashier attempts to enter a non-legitimate number.

Min Length


Fill in the minimum number of characters allowed in a legitimate
account number.

Max Length


Fill in the maximum number of characters allowed in a legitimate
account number.


Place a checkmark in this box if you wish to disable this tender.



Pick one.




Select Neither if this tender isn't cash or check.



Select Cash if this tender is cash

Cash & Change


If you will be using the Cash Count program, one (and only one)
tender will need to be set to "Cash & Change." You would normally make this setting on the Cash tender, as it is the tender that should be decreased when change is given out for other tenders, or pay outs.



Select Check if this tender is check.

AR Account Code

If this tender is tied to an account, select the account code from the
select list for this field. If the tender isn't tied to an account, leave this field blank.


Cash Count Group

Optionally, you can set up one or more cash count groups in the "Cash
Count Groups" module and assign tenders to those cash count groups using the "Cash Count Group" browse edit on the Tenders header view. When a tender is assigned to a cash count group, that cash count group rather than the tenders assigned to it appears in the Cash Count module.



Groups are distinguished from tenders in the Cash Count module by
having a '>' prefixed to their name. The "Cash Count Groups" module detail view has a check box field for "Cash Count Bal" to indicate whether the group should be just displayed, or both displayed and balanced in Cash Count. A field is also provided in this detail view for the entry of a GL code to be used when posting overages and shortages. Also refer to the Groups section of this document.


Fill in the tender key the cashier will press to bring this tender up in a
select list on the screen. Typically each of the credit cards are tied to a master of "Charge Cards" and when the cashier presses the Charge Cards tender key they get a select list containing all of the charge cards. Most other tenders that are added would have a "Master" set up as "Misc Tender" which would enable a cashier to press the Misc Tender
key to bring them up on a select list. Also refer to the Groups section of this document.

In the bottom section of the window, you will need to select which locations this tender will be used in. Simply right click on the ellipsis and select each location from the list.

The next step is to double-click on the location and define how you want the tender handled.

Field Explanation

Permit Change Due

If any customer would be allowed to get change back when using
this tender for a transaction, put a checkmark in the box.

Change Limit

If you wish to limit the amount of change a customer can get when
using this tender, enter the limit in this field.


Please select "Canadian Dollar" or "United Sates Dollar"
(whichever is appropriate) for this tender.

Amount Entry Required

If you want the cashier to manually enter the tender amount, place
a check in the box by Amount Entry Required, or leave it unchecked if you want the tender amount to default to the remaining balance due of the transaction.

Open the cash drawer

If you want the cash drawer to open as a result of this tender being
used, place a check in the Open the Cash Drawer box (if you only


want the drawer to open if change is due, leave the box



Cash Count Balance

For any tender you wish to balance in the Cash Count feature, you
need to check the "Cash Count Balance" check box. Any tender not flagged in this way will be displayed in Cash Count on the "Totals Grid", but no "Count" grid will be provided for counting the total amount of items for that tender in the cash drawer and no overage/shortage will be posted for that tender.




If you are setting this tender up for future use, and don't want the
cashiers to use it until later, or have any other reason you don't want cashiers to use it, you can place a checkmark in the box next to Disable.



Capture Signature

If you have electronic signature capture devices connected to your
registers, and if this tender requires a signature, you can check the Capture Signature box to cause WinPRISM POS to retain the signature in a file.



POS Code

In the POS Code field, input a tender code that is not already in
use by another tender. A list of the default tenders and their tender codes is in Appendix A.



Receipt and Inserts

Pick one.



Signature Line Type


If you require a signature slip based upon a customer using
this tender, select the Signature Line Type and place a checkmark in the Print Dual Receipt box.





Indicates no signature line is required.

Signature Only



Traditional, common, simple signature line.

Agreement Signature



A customizable message can accompany the signature
line. It can be edited in Receipt Templates, POS Sales

Print Dual Receipt


Place a checkmark in this box if this tender requires
WinPRISM to print two copies of the receipt.


Mask Acct. Number


Place a checkmark in the Mask Account Number box if you
want the account number to be masked on the customer copy of the receipt.


Half Sheet Insert


With this option selected, a Half Sheet Insert (4½x11 inches)
will be printed when a transaction contains this tender. If no insert is needed, leave this field blank.


Full Sheet Insert


With this option selected, a Full Sheet Insert (typically
8½x11 inches) will be printed when a transaction contains this tender. If no insert is needed, leave this field blank. Note: Most printers used on WinPRISM POS cannot accommodate all of an 8½x11 inch piece of paper.


Chk Endorse Insert


With this option selected, you can endorse an insert as you
would normally endorse a check. If no endorsement is needed, leave this field blank.



Most tenders don't require an authorization like you normally
expect with credit cards. If the tender you are defining requires




authorization, contact WinPRISM Support for the precise option
to use.



Credit Service


Pick one.


No Authorization



Use this option if WinPRISM POS doesn't need to get
an authorization for this tender's use.

Manual Autho



Use this option if the cashier is to be prompted for an
authorization string they are to acquire from some other source.

AR Gift Cert



Use this option if WinPRISM POS will need to get an
authorization from a Gift Certificate account in
WinPRISM's AR module

Credit Card



Use this option if WinPRISM POS will need to get an
authorization from a bank through a credit card processor.
Note: This option requires third party software, such as Universal Payment Software (UniPay), which may or may not be loaded on your system.

Credit Card Manual



Use this option if the cashier is to be prompted for an
authorization string they are to acquire from some other source, usually from a bank through a credit card processor over the phone.

AR Authorization



Use this option if WinPRISM POS will need to get an
authorization from an account in WinPRISM's AR

Airtime Gift Card



This feature has not been implemented yet.

IPAS Verification



This feature has not been implemented yet.

Check Verification



This feature has not been implemented yet.

Card Queue


Pick one.


Payment Authorization



Use this option if WinPRISM POS will need to get an
authorization from a bank through a credit card processor.
Note: This option requires third party software, such as Universal Payment Software (UniPay), which may or may not be loaded on your system.

Debit Authorization



Use this option if WinPRISM POS will need to get an
authorization from your campus debit card office computer. An interface is currently implemented for Blackboard.

ICV/UPS Server



Do not attempt to use this; it will be removed on the
next update.



Length of time WinPRISM waits for a response from an
outside source.


Card/Bar Code Option

Pick one.



No Card


No card is needed for this tender.


UNO Card


UNO card setup.


UNL Card


UNL card setup.


CBORD Student Card


CBORD Student card setup.



OMNI card setup.

Airtime Gift Cards


Airtime Gift card setup.

ISO Credit Card


ISO Credit card setup.

CBORD Gift Card


CBORD Gift card setup.

GL Code

In the event your store is utilizing the General Ledger Module, you
can select the GL code in the bottom of the window.



Place a checkmark in this box if WebPrism will be using this



The order or priority of the tenders used by WebPRISM.



The Non-Merchandise option allows you to set up items to be sold through the registers, which are not inventory items. Information entered at this screen can be accessed in a select list at the Enter Non-
Merchandise Code field at the register when performing a transaction.
Non-Merchandise refers to services and items that are sold but are not tracked through inventory control. This would include items such as gift certificates, rentals, special order deposits and postage. Some non-merchandise services would
be fax services and gift-wrapping.

To add a non-merchandise item, click on the yellow plus sign, or tap the F4 key. A window similar to the following will appear on the screen.



The WinPRISM ICS store location


Fill in description of item.

Item Tax Type

Select the appropriate Item Tax Type (usually taxed or non-taxed, see Item
Tax Type in the Tax section of this manual).

GL Code

In the event your store is utilizing the General Ledger Module, you can
select the GL code by clicking on the ellipsis by the GL Code field.


Fill in the price for the item, if the price is to be input by the cashier at the
time it is rung up, leave the price at zero.


If this non-merch item requires an insert, click on the ellipsis by the Insert
field and select the insert format from the list.


If this non-merch item is to display in a select list of another non-merch
item, click on the ellipsis by the Master field and select that item from the list.

Discount Allowed

Place a checkmark in this box if this non-merchandise item is discountable;
leave it blank if the item is not discountable.


Place a checkmark in this box if this non-merchandise item is refundable;
leave it blank if the item is not refundable.

Pay In/Pay Out

A Pay In transaction is performed when a tender amount is being paid into the register without merchandise being purchased or exchanged. Some examples of when you would perform a Pay In are to purchase a gift certificate, to receive a payment on account or to add currency to the till. A Pay In transaction cannot be done as part of a regular sale.
A Pay Out transaction is performed when money is to be taken out of the register without merchandise being refunded or exchanged. Some examples of when you would perform
a pay out are at the end of a semester when money from an account is returned to the student, when a credit memo is being cashed in or when money is removed from the till for petty cash. A Pay Out transaction cannot be done as part of a regular refund.


The WinPRISM ICS store location


A description of what this Pay In or Pay Out definition is for.

Type or
Pay Code Type

Whether this definition is for a Pay In or Pay Out.

GL Code

Only used by stores using General Ledger. This is where the GL
code that applies to pay in or pay out can be selected.

GL Code

Only used by stores using General Ledger. This is where a
description of the GL code that applies to Pay In or Pay Out displays

Transaction Insert
Receipt Template

If you require an insert for this Pay In or Pay Out, use the ellipsis,
to select the appropriate template.

Dual Receipt

Place a check in this box if a dual receipt is required for this Pay In
or Pay Out.


Place a check in this box if this Pay In or Pay Out is to be tied to an

General Parameters

Parameters of a general nature are set here. Once you double-click on General Parameters (from the Parameters selection of the POS tab in WPAdmin), you can select which location you wish to edit from a window similar to the one shown here.

Since multiple POS locations can be linked to one ICS location, select the appropriate POS location from the drop-down menu. From this window you can also edit the value for the selected location.

Manual Tax POS

If a cashier taps the Manual Tax key in a transaction, define
here which tax code you want to use as a default.

Maximum Check
Cashing Amount

Some stores are willing to cash checks for faculty, staff, and
even for customers. If you cash checks for anyone, define here how large an amount you allow.

Store Bank Account

Define here the account number checks are deposited to and
WinPRISM will use it in the endorsement.

Endorsement Name

Define here what name is on the account.

Store Manager

Define here what you want the password to be that a manager
would use to continue a transaction that a junior level cashier doesn't have the authority to complete.

Display Problem

When checked, if an item that has a problem notification on it is
entered, an error message is displayed at the register. Problem Notifications are set up in the ICS tab, Inventory Management, Textbooks menu.

Receipt/Pole Display

Identify which language you want to display on the customer
display (English, French, or Spanish). The actual text is set up in POS Pole Display Text.

Enable Real-Time

If checked item sales are transmitted to Sales Maintenance right
away. If unchecked this information transmits during the closing process.

Allow Amount
Charged to go

If someone has paid their bill, and then brings back a purchase
they had made, a refund to that account would cause the balance to go negative. Define here if this should be allowed or not.


Settle on Store Close

If you are processing credit cards through the registers, place a
checkmark in this box if you want the system to settle the batch upon closing, leave it blank if you would prefer to settle the batch manually.


Bad Check ID

Pick one.


Do Not Use


When set to Do Not Use there will not be any
validation against a bad check ID.



When set to Prompt, the cashier gets a message of,
"This check ID is on the bad check list. Do you want to override?"

Require Manager Auth


Same as "Prompt" except for a manager's password is
needed after answering Yes to the message.

Purge Parameters

The Purge Parameters module is where you set purge parameters that allow WinPRISM to purge (delete) transactions. Data is purged based on the number of months it has been on your system, so you would enter the number of months you wish to keep records and the purge process deletes records that are older than that number of months.
For instance, you may want to keep sales transactions on your system for 6 months. You would set the number of
months to keep transactions 6. If you ran the purge process with 6 in the 'Value' field, all transactions that are 7 months or older would be automatically purged.

Purge parameters are not location specific, so if you set the parameter to purge transactions with a value of 6, it would purge all transactions for ALL locations on your
system. If you have a multiple location system, be sure to consult with people at other locations before you run the purge process.


The Discounts feature allows you to set up transaction or item discounts to be used at the register. Information entered at this module can be accessed in a select list when performing a discount. A transaction discount is a discount applied to discountable items on an entire transaction. The transaction discount is applied only to discountable items that match the criteria set up for the discount code. Since all discountable items will be discounted, the transaction discount can be applied anywhere in the transaction before the Total key is pressed. Transaction discounts are defined as a fixed or variable percentage; no price or dollar discounts apply here.
An item discount is a discount applied to an individual item. If more than one of the same item is purchased, the item discount applies to the multiple quantity (e.g., 2 @
$4.95 = $9.90 discounted 10% yields a discount of $.99). Item discounts are defined as a fixed or variable percentage, a dollar amount or a special price.



Pick one.


Item Discount


If the discount you wish to define is to be used for a
single line at a time in a transaction, select Item

Transaction Discount


If the discount you wish to define is to be used for all
discountable items in a transaction, select Transaction


Enter a descriptive name for this discount in this field, such
as "10% Item Discount."




The description you gave this discount in the previous



Pick one.


Fixed %


This is a fixed percentage taken off the item price at
the register.

Variable %


This is a variable percentage taken off the item price at
the register. The cashier will be prompted to enter a percentage for this discount at the register.

Fixed $


This is a fixed dollar amount taken off the item price
at the register.

Variable $


This is a variable dollar amount taken off the item
price at the register. You will be prompted to enter a dollar amount for this discount at the register.



You will be prompted to enter the discounted selling
price for the item at the register. Since you will enter the actual price of the item, the rest of the fields at the Item Discounts screen for this discount will be ineffectual; therefore, they may be bypassed after selecting Price in the Type field.

  1. for #


This discount allows the customer to buy a certain
quantity for the price of a different quantity. Example:
2 for 1, which would mean buy 2 for the price of 1.

% off #


This discount allows the customer to buy a certain
quantity in order to get a discount. Example: 10% off
5, which would mean you have to buy 5 to get the
10% off.

$ off #


This discount allows the customer to buy a certain
quantity in order to get a discount. Example: $2 off 5, which would mean you have to buy 5 to get the $2 off.


Pick one.


Full Price Only


This would cause this discount to apply to full priced



items only. If you select Full Price Only, the discount
will only apply to items that are not on sale.


Sale or Full Price


This would cause this discount to apply to either full
priced items, or item on sale. The sale price is the price for an item charged at the register if the item is on a Sale Event. If you select SALE or FULL Price, all discountable items will be discounted.



In the event of percentage discounts, here is where you
define what percentage applies.



POS Code

Unique discount code number




Fill in the key the cashier will press to bring this discount up
in a select list on the screen. Typically this would be either Item Discount or Transaction Discount, but if neither is an option in the select list, the discount groups may yet need to be defined in Groups. Refer to the Groups section of this document.




Item Discount – Buy a defined quantity or dollar amount to
get the discount.




Item Discount – If the customer meets the criteria of the
"Buy," this defines what they "Get."




Item Discount – Defines a fixed dollar amount in
appropriate discount types.




Item Discount – Allow the store to define whether the
discount is off retail, or above cost.



Autho Type

Transaction Discount – Pick one.



No Authorization



With option selected no further authorization is

Employee Autho



This feature has not been implemented yet.

Minimum Amt.

Transaction Discount - Allows you to define a base amount
to be reached before the discount will go into effect (often used to prevent discounting small snack & drink purchases).




This feature has not been implemented yet.




The WinPRISM ICS store location


Description attached to the unique POS identifier number or

Item Stack

Place a checkmark in this field to allow this discount to be
applied in addition to any other discounts that might be applied.

Trans Stack

Place a checkmark in this field to allow this discount to be
applied in addition to any other discount.

Signature Line

Placing a checkmark in this field will cause a signature line
to appear on the receipt. If you utilize this option, you probably want to enable a dual receipt in "POS Sales Receipt" in Parameters/Receipt Templates.

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