Gift Card (GC) Tender Setup for Web Orders

Gift Card (GC) Tender Setup for Web Orders

*If you have customers that may have multiple AR accounts, that you would like to validate, please contact support.

Add Web Order POS System to Gift Card Tender

  1. Access PrismCore Admin>Inventory Control Tab>Parameters folder>Mail Order Parameters folder>Tender Codes (Jump 1235). 

  2. Locate the Gift Card Tender.  If Web Order is not listed as a POS System in the detail section, it will need to be added.

  3. To add Right Click on blank line in the grid and select Add POS System.
    Note:  If the Web Order POS System already exists for the Location, skip to Step 6.


  4. In the Add POS Systems for Tender, dialog box select the Location and Web Order line, then select Add POS Systems button.  Then select Close


  5. The new Location and POS System display in the detail grid. 

  6. Right click on the new Location/POS system and select Edit POS System.


  7. In the Edit Tender Code dialog box, select the Credit Service drop down and change it to AR Gift Cert


  8. In the Web section, check the WebPrism box.
    Note:   If you want a prompt on the web for the student to enter in their Gift Card Number when placing an order on the web, enter that into the Prompt 1 field and check the Req box to require the entry.


  9. Select OK when finished.
    Note:  The tender is now set to flow out to the WEB and should be listed as a Tender on the Web within an hour.  If the bookstore does not want to set the tender up for tender validation, then that concludes the setup. 

     However if the bookstore would like the Gift Card Tender set up for Tender Validation, proceed to the next section.

Set up Tender Validation

Tender validation allows is for the balances to be verified on the web before they are able to use the Gift Card tender as a payment method.  Without tender validation, the customer will be able to place their orders without a balance being verified. 

  1. Access PrismCore Admin>Inventory Control Tab>Parameters folder> System Parameters (Jump 121).

  2. Click on the drop down filter where it says All and select Web


  3. Locate the Send AR Balances to Web line, select the Value field on that line, and change it to All.


  4. Once All is selected, click on to another line to save the change.  

 NoteIf the bookstore is currently sending AR Balances to Web, your setting may already be set to All.

If you are not sending balances to Web for AR and the setting is currently set to No, change the option to GC Only. 

With this flag set to All or GC Only it will allow balances on the Gift Card customers tied to this tender to flow to the Web.   An option to resend balances to the Web is also available that will be covered in the next steps.  By having balances sent to the Web, tender validation on the web can be set on the AR Tender to validate a customers’ balance.

 Confirm Gift Card Tender Displays on PrismWeb

Wait about an hour and access PrismWeb Manager.  Check to confirm that the Gift Card Tender is listed as a tender in the tender list.  If the tender is not displaying, check back in a little while, as the tender has not flowed across from PrismCore Admin yet.

  1.  Access PrismWeb Manager.


  2. Select Setup, then Tenders.  The list of tenders for the store displays.  Below is an example. 


  3. Confirm that the Gift Card Tender, checked to be sent to Web, is included in the tender list.  In this example, the tender name Gift Card is Gift Card tender.

  4. Logout of PrismWeb Manager

Resend Balances to the Web

As mentioned, in order to validate the Gift Card Tender on the Web, balances have to exist on any Gift Card account tied to the tender.  To get the balances to flow to the Web on initial setup, a resend of balances to the web has to occur.  The resend of balances to the web option is located in this Account Maintenance module.  This resend option will need to be run for each individual AR Account tied to the tender that the store plans to allow for web purchases.

  1. Access PrismCore Admin>Accounting Tab>Receivables folder>Account Maintenance (Jump 211). 

  2. In Account Maintenance search for the account the store wants to resend balances to web. In the figure below, we have selected Gift Card as an example.


  3. Along the bottom of the account are seven tabs that display:  General, Address, Billing, Finance, POS, DCC Discount, and Non-Merch.  Select the POS tab.


  4. Confirm that the tender selected to go to the Web (from the Add Web Order POS System to AR Tender step) is the same tender attached to the account.


  5. Select on the hammer option, then Resend to Web.


  6. Select Yes to the, Are you sure you want to resend information? promt. 


  7. Once the process completes, Account has been marked to be resent., displays.  Select OK 


  8. The balances have been marked to be sent to the web for this account.  It generally takes 20-40 minutes for the balances to flow out to the web.
    NoteRepeat these steps for any other accounts to resend balances to web. 

  9.  When finished, contact the PrismRBS Support team at 800-510-3911 to have them set up Tender Validation on the Web for the Gift Card Tender.  Provide them the Tender Name as it displays in the Tender List on PrismWeb Manager so Support is aware of which Tender to Validate.

  10. Once the Gift Card Tender has been set up for Tender Validation, the setup is complete.

  11. It is suggested that the bookstore create a test order on the web using the Gift Card Tender to confirm it is working as designed. 

 Publised 09/17/2020

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