Scale Setup for VIVA Scale

Scale Setup for VIVA Scale

Hardware needed

  • Scale and Display
  • USB to Serial adapter
  • Null Modem Serial Cable

Setup needed before POS Setup

  1. On the register to which the scale is connected:
    • Device Manager > Ports > Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (to find out which COM the device is on)

  1. Download the Mettler Toledo application to a location on the system: http://ca.mt.com/ca/en/home/supportive_content/supportive_information/software_downloads/8217-OPOS-Driver.html

  1. Double click the 'MT_Viva_8217_OPOS_Drivers.exe' icon on the register onto which you wish to install the scale. When the dialog comes up, click 'Next'.

  1. Agree to the license agreement, by clicking 'I accept…", and click 'Next'.

  1. Input the information, as requested, and click 'Next'.

  1. Choose the folder in which you wish to install, or accept the default, and click 'Next'.

  1. Verify the information, and click 'Install'.

  1. The system will install the drivers needed.

  1. When finished, click 'Finish'.

  1. From a DOS command, run the following from C:\Program Files\OPOS\CommonCO directory:
  • regsvr32 OPOSScale.ocx

  1. From Program Files (or Program Files x86) > Mettler Toledo > OPOS, double click 'MTOPOSAdmin.exe'.

  1. Select Add.
  2. Set the information, as seen in the Device Manager screen above.

  1. Select Apply. The scale should now display in the Administrator window.
  2. Close the window.

Setup on POS

  1. From the register program, navigate to: Hardware > Scale > Select scale. Choose the scale you wish to enable.

  1. Note that you must restart the register application in order for the change to take effect. Restart the application.

To test the scale

  1. From the register program, navigate to: Tasks > Test Scale.

  1. If the Test Scale button returns an error, the firmware may be set for the wrong protocol. From page 2-5 of the ARIVA user manual:
  • While turning on the power, press and hold the >0< button until "grP 1" is displayed. To access the various prompts, utilize the following keys during the scale setup mode.
  • Zero button is used to confirm a choice and then go to the next step.
  • Tare button is used to step through the set up groups. Once a group is selected, the key is used to select the specific soft switch settings.
  • Use the following configuration options:

3.1 = 0 for an RS-232 connection

3.1 = 1 for USB Virtual Com ports (USB Ser/CDC)
3.2 = 3 Baud rate 9600
3.3 = 1 Parity Even
3.4 = 0 Data bits 7
3.5 = 1 Stop bits 1
3.6 = 3 Protocol Selection 3 = 8217 Mettler-Toledo (WO)

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