Scale Setup for VIVA Scale
Scale Setup for VIVA Scale
Hardware needed
- Scale and Display
- USB to Serial adapter
- Null Modem Serial Cable
Setup needed before POS Setup
- On the register to which the scale is connected:
- Device Manager > Ports > Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (to find out which COM the device is on)
- Download the Mettler Toledo application to a location on the system: http://ca.mt.com/ca/en/home/supportive_content/supportive_information/software_downloads/8217-OPOS-Driver.html
- Double click the 'MT_Viva_8217_OPOS_Drivers.exe' icon on the register onto which you wish to install the scale. When the dialog comes up, click 'Next'.
- Agree to the license agreement, by clicking 'I accept…", and click 'Next'.
- Input the information, as requested, and click 'Next'.
- Choose the folder in which you wish to install, or accept the default, and click 'Next'.
- Verify the information, and click 'Install'.
- The system will install the drivers needed.
- When finished, click 'Finish'.
- From a DOS command, run the following from C:\Program Files\OPOS\CommonCO directory:
- regsvr32 OPOSScale.ocx
- From Program Files (or Program Files x86) > Mettler Toledo > OPOS, double click 'MTOPOSAdmin.exe'.
- Select Add.
- Set the information, as seen in the Device Manager screen above.
- Select Apply. The scale should now display in the Administrator window.
- Close the window.
Setup on POS
- From the register program, navigate to: Hardware > Scale > Select scale. Choose the scale you wish to enable.
- Note that you must restart the register application in order for the change to take effect. Restart the application.
To test the scale
- From the register program, navigate to: Tasks > Test Scale.
- If the Test Scale button returns an error, the firmware may be set for the wrong protocol. From page 2-5 of the ARIVA user manual:
- While turning on the power, press and hold the >0< button until "grP 1" is displayed. To access the various prompts, utilize the following keys during the scale setup mode.
- Zero button is used to confirm a choice and then go to the next step.
- Tare button is used to step through the set up groups. Once a group is selected, the key is used to select the specific soft switch settings.
- Use the following configuration options:
3.1 = 0 for an RS-232 connection
3.1 = 1 for USB Virtual Com ports (USB Ser/CDC)
3.2 = 3 Baud rate 9600
3.3 = 1 Parity Even
3.4 = 0 Data bits 7
3.5 = 1 Stop bits 1
3.6 = 3 Protocol Selection 3 = 8217 Mettler-Toledo (WO)