Faculty Requisitions in Course Requests

After the requisition process is completed in your electronic textbook requisition system, it will be sent to PrismCore.

The faculty request information will display in the Course Request module and the section will be in a proposed status. The course materials buyer for the store will need to verify the items on the course request, then add or modify them if needed.  After all items are correct, the Section will need to be approved and marked as Adoption Complete.

Note:  The Order Decision record is not created (or updated if the title is used for multiple classes) until the section status is set to Approved.

Requisitions for Titles Previously Used

  1. After a requisition is sent from the Electronic Textbook Requisition platform, locate the course request in the Course Request module in PrismCore.

  2. If the titles used in the textbook requisition are already in your system, the SKU(s) will be added to the course request.

  3. If the titles requested by the professor are approved by the course materials buyer, select the hammer option. Select the Change Status.

  4. This will change the Section status to Approved. The Adoption Complete box can now be checked to send the titles to your website for customers and you can begin working the titles.

Requisitions for New Titles

If the requisition includes a title which is not currently in your PrismCore system the detail line in Course Requests will show SKU = 0 and the Description will read SKU not Defined with the title entered by faculty in parenthesis.

  1. Right click on the detail line for the SKU not Defined. From the Right Click options, select Resolve SKU.

  2. This will open the Resolve SKU Selection / Confirmation dialog box.

  3. The dialog box will display any options from the Buyer’s Guide or your Textbook records which may be a match for the title. If the textbook you are looking for is in the list, select it and then select OK.
  4. If the book is not already in your system, you will receive a message asking if you want to transfer the book to your textbook file. If the correct book displays in the message, select Yes.

  5. The Textbook Adoption dialog box displays. Verify the information is for the book you need to add to PrismCore for the course request.  Enter any additional information and adjust pricing if necessary, then select OK.

  6. The detail line will then resolve and the SKU and book information will display. Use the hammer option, Change Status, to change the section from Proposed to Approved.  You can now check Adoption Complete and work the Order Decision for the title as normal.

  7. If the title you need for the course request is not available in the Resolve SKU Selection / Confirmation dialog box, add the textbook to PrismCore manually in either the Item Maintenance or Course Requests module. Then complete the steps to resolve the SKU.