KB67: Buyback Warning Limit Email Setup

KB67: Buyback Warning Limit Email Setup

Topic: This Knowledge Base article describes the procedures to set up VisualRATEX to send Buyback Warning Limit Emails using Sendmail.

(1a) The "Notify Buyer with Warning/Reached Emails" needs to be set to "Yes."
(1b) The "Email Address for Limit Warnings" field needs to be filled in with the e-mail address of the individual who will receive the e-mails. The e-mail address MUST be in the following format: first and last name, a comma, then the e-mail address. There should be NO SPACES between the last name, comma, and e-mail address.

Example: Jessica Sobonya,jksobonya@ratex.com

(2) Check 'Yes' on the Display Warning Limit parameter. This parameter controls the warning logic for buyback; if it is not checked, e-mail warnings will not be sent.

(3) In AV.PARAMETER.MNT (Location: Admin > Parameters > AvParameter) , select "EMAIL" from the dropdown and:

(3a) Make sure that the "Default Bcc" is populated with an e-mail address. The e-mail address MUST be in the following format: first and last name, a comma, and the e-mail address. There should be NO SPACES between the last name, comma, and e-mail address.

Example: Jessica Sobonya,jksobonya@ratex.com

(3b) The "Sendmail Path" and "Sendmail Command Path" must be entered in lines 4 & 5 in the grid. Default paths are:


Tip: When a Buyback Warning Limit email is sent, the BUY.SMF record is stamped that the e-mail was sent. It will not send additional e-mails.