If your store has PrismCore General Ledger, the appropriate GL codes for Rental Revenue, Rental Not Returned Revenue, Rental Transfer and Rental Adjustment must be entered on the GL Codes tab for DCCs of new and used textbooks in Department/Class/Category <Ctrl+J 103> in PrismCore Admin. Note that the image below is for New Textbooks only.
Step-by-step instructions assuming existence of required GL codes
- In WP Admin, access Department/Class/Category <Ctrl+J103>.
- In the DCC pane (on the left), click on the appropriate textbook department, class or category to which you need to assign GL codes. Remember to assign GL codes to both new and used.
- In the Parameter and GL Code grid (on the right), scroll down until you can see the parameters for rentals.
- For each parameter, click the ellipsis and select the appropriate GL code.