In go to PrismCore>Inventory Control tab>Item Maintenance folder>Rental Number Maintenance (Ctrl+J 1012) the hammer option Rental Configuration. You will need to verify the settings under Nebraska Managed Rental Program and POS Tax. These settings should be reviewed with each new rental period and changed, when necessary.
Nebraska Managed Rental Program
These are the parameters which control the NMRP functions in PrismCore.
Participate in Program
This parameter tells PrismCore you are using NMRP. This must be checked for PrismCore to run the required overnight processes and communication.
Rental adoptions are not performed immediately for a period; this is done during a process referred to as the Midnight Run, which runs each night at midnight. If needed, this process can be run during the day, by using the ‘NMRP Add / Update Titles’ option from the hammer in ‘Rental Number Maintenance’. Each title for the terms assigned to the rental period are checked against the NMRP Rental List. If a title is available for rent, PrismCore creates a rental record. This process also changes any prices for existing rental records, based on store pricing or NBC pricing, whichever is LOWER. This process also adds the NMRP Managed Rental Program Agreement to your PrismCore system.
When Participate in Program is checked all parameters for NBC Partnership in the Rental Configuration are greyed out as they are not used. The Store Managed parameters are still available as you may rent items as Store Managed which are not available for rent through NMRP.
NMRP Tender
The NMRP Tender is created when you are set up to use NMRP rentals. This tender will need to be entered on the NMRP Tender parameter to correctly attach the NMRP Tender to rental transactions for the rental rebate amount.
NMRP Email
An email must be entered in the NMRP Email parameter. PrismCore uses this email to send updates made in your PrismCore system to NMRP pricing as well as changes (additions or subtractions) to rental number maintenance for NMRP titles.
Collect Credit Card, Collect AR
Check the box for the type of tender that will be used to charge the student if a rental is not returned.
You must have Collect Credit Card checked as that is the only guaranteed tender which can be used for NMRP rentals.
If an unacceptable tender is selected during the rental transaction, the cashier will see a message similar to "Tender type not allowed. Please select correct tender."
Mark RNR’s as Can’t Rent
If this parameter is checked and a student does not return a rent prior to the NMRP due date, the ‘Can’t Rent’ box on the student’s customer account will automatically be checked. The student will not be able to rent again until the ‘Can’t Rent’ box on the customer account is manually unchecked.
If you do not want the Can’t Rent box for a customer to be automatically checked under these circumstances, uncheck the ‘Mark RNR’s as Can’t Rent’ parameter on the Configuration screen.
Parameters in the POS frame control what happens at the register when books are rented.
Select the appropriate tax code for rentals.
Dynamic Rental
NMRP requires Dynamic Rental.
When this is checked, a rental record exists for a book and the cashier scans the normal EAN barcode, a prompt will appear asking if the book is to be sold or rented.
Mandatory Rental Barcode
NMRP requires rental barcodes are assigned when renting books.
When a rental barcode is assigned to a rental, the rental barcode can be scanned for a quick and easy check-in when the student returns to the book.
Enforce 12 or 20 Digit XRefs
Check this box if all rental barcodes must be 12 or 20 digits. Rental barcodes generated in PrismCore are 20 digits.
Having this box checked may reduce the chance of entering barcodes incorrectly, such as scanning an ISBN of another title instead of the required Rental XREF.
This box will need to be checked prior to checking the Participate in Program box.