- Select New Receipt.
- Edit Receipt displays. Options is on the left and Live Preview on the right.
- Enter the Name and the Width of this receipt.
- Enter information into the following sections
Header Section
- Logo: You can upload a current logo to print on your receipt.
- Header text - Header Line1 (this field's text can be modified) - Header Line2 (this field's text can be modified) - Header Line3 (this field's text can be modified) - Header Line4 (this field's text can be modified) - Header Line5 (this field's text can be modified)
- Receipt Number
- Store Name
- Location Name
- Register Name
- Cashier Name
- Transaction Timestamp
Customer Section
Note: These fields will currently only preview on the Rental Type receipt.
- Customer Number
- Customer Name
- Customer Email
- Mask Customer Number (Customer Number field prints but you can mask a specific number of characters at the beginning, for example the first 4)
Receipt Types
(NOTE: Each text field can be modified to display what is printed for each label.)
- Suspended Receipt Label - *** Transaction Suspended ***
- Canceled Transaction Receipt Label - *** Transaction Cancelled ****
- Post Voided Receipt Label - ***** Post Void *****
- Reprinted Receipt Label - ***** Reprinted *****
- Include Items
- Item Details Header
- Taxable Flag
- Sale Flag
- Item Extended Price
- Use Qty @ Unit Price Format
- Item Sku
- Item ISBN (When Item ISBN is checked, the Cat # / ISBN label is displayed but an example ISBN is not shown on the receipt like SKU and DCC are)
- Item DCC
- Item Manufacturer XREF (this field's text can be modified) - Currently does not show on preview.
- Item Sale Event
- Item Discount
- Item Notes
(NOTE: Each text field can be modified to display what is printed for each label.)
- Rental Xref Label (this field's text can be modified)
- Rental Price (this field's text can be modified)
- Rental Return Cost Label (this field's text can be modified)
- Rental Non return Fee Label (this field's text can be modified)
- Rental Due Date Label (this field's text can be modified)
- Print Rental Details Below Agreement
- Print Agreement Separately
- Number of Agreement Copies to Print
Summary, Tax and Total
- Sales Discount
- Total Items Count
- Sale Notes - Currently does not show on preview.
- Subtotal (this field's text can be modified)
- Show Tax By Code (this field's text can be modified)
- Show Tax Total (this field's text can be modified)
- Tax Exempt Number (this field's text can be modified) - Currently does not show on preview.
- Total (this field's text can be modified)
- Tenders
- Tender Header (this field's text can be modified)
- Tender Display Detail (this field's text can be modified)
- Mask Display Detail (Tender Display Detail field displays but is blank)
- Tender Tax Exempt Number (this field's text can be modified) - Currently does not show on preview.
- Tender CC Auth Code (this field's text can be modified)
- Tender CC Invoice Number (this field's text can be modified) - Currently does not show on preview.
- Tender (AR) Account Balance (this field's text can be modified)
- Tender Auth Message - Currently does not show on preview.
- Change Due (this field's text can be modified)
- Membership Total Spent (this field's text can be modified) - Currently does not show on preview.
- Signature (this field's text can be modified) - Currently does not show on preview.
- Signature Name - Currently does not show on preview.
- Barcode - Currently does not show on preview.
- Footer Line1 (this field's text can be modified)
- Footer Line2 (this field's text can be modified)
- Footer Line3 (this field's text can be modified)
- Footer Line4 (this field's text can be modified)
- Footer Line5 (this field's text can be modified)
- Rental Agreement
- Jumpbook Instructions - Currently does not show on preview.
- Warranty - Currently does not show on preview.
- When finished entering information, select Save.