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Master Record

  1. Select + Add from the Product Maintenance screen, then select Add Book.

  2. The following modal will display:

  3. Select Add New.

  4. Enter Author last name only.

  5. Enter Title.

  6. Select Supplier from drop down.

  7. Enter information as desired, view below for field information.

  8. This creates the book details, but not a product SKU. Continue to Book Type Details






Last Name only. 200 character limit.


Drop down list of your suppliers.


Enter full title.  200 character limit.

Supplier Discounts

Drop down list of selected supplier discounts.


Enter 13 - 18 digit ISBN. 


Supplier Imprint

Digital ISBN

For Digital Books


Drop down list of available Statuses.


Two digit number.

Status Date

Click into the field to activate the calendar.


Two or Four digit year.


Free form field for additional information.


 Drop down list of available bindings.

Book Type Details

  1. To create a product SKU for the book, select which type you will be adding.

  2. In order to create a Used or Digital, you must +Add New.

  3. Select if book will be sold as New, Used, Trade, and/or as Digital

  4. Verify the DCCs and Price Tag Type.

  5. Buyback and Wantlist Title defaults to checked, deselect if desired.

  6. Add Cost and Selling Price.

  7. Repeat process for Used and Trade as applicable.

  8. Continue reading for Pricing and Inventory details.





Add New/Used/Trade

Must Add New for Used and Digital versions. Add book record

On Order

How many are on order, will be zero during add process.


System generated.


Enter Cost of book.

Default Barcode

System generated, select edit button to add new

Current Margin

Pulls from DCC settings. Will adjust with Cost/Selling Price changes

Stock On Hand

Current SOH will be zero during add process.

Selling Price

Enter Selling Price of book.


Defaults to DCC in Store Setup > Parameters settings.

Buyback Title

Check to make eligible for buyback list.

Price Tag Type

Defaults to settings for selected DCC. (Book or Book - No Price)

Want List Title

Check to make eligible for want list.

Print Label

Enter Print QTY for price tags.


Check the box to mark the item as discontinued.

Last Sold

Displays last sale date. Shows as N/A if there are no sales.


  1. Barcodes generate based on ISBN. The item’s SKU is automatically added as an additional barcode.

  2. To add a new Barcode select the button the right side

  3. Type in the new barcode, select Add.

  4. Barcode will populate at bottom, to make it the default, select the radio button on the left of the line. All barcodes here are scannable, default or not.

  5. To remove, select the trash can button on the right.

  6. Select OK.
    NOTE: All barcodes entered here will be scannable for this item. The default displays in areas where a barcode displays when applicable.


  1. Manage Stock On Hand by selecting Adjust SOH. It will open a window to adjust SOH.

  2. Enter in QTY adjustment, (to subtract put - in front of the amount)

  3. Select Reason from drop down

  4. Enter Comment for adjustment.

  5. Select OK to save.

  6. Stock will adjust and be tracked on the stock adjustment report.


EDITED 08/08/2023

© 2021 PrismRBS  All rights reserved.

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