Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Purchase Order



  1. Select + Add from Purchase Orders screen.

Image Removed
  1. Image Added

  2. Edit or enter information as needed in PO Header

    1. See below for explanations of fields in PO Header

  3. At the bottom, select +Add Product(s) button to add to your PO.
    (scroll for more information)

  4. Select Save.

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  1. To see Exports, scroll down.

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Proposed, Open, or Closed. Purchase Orders start in Proposed Status.


After the PO order is placed with Supplier, change the status to Open. Status

to Open

will automatically change to Closed when all products on it have been received or cancelled.

Ship By Service Level

Select an option from the drop down.

PO Number

Non editable field. Pulls the next number from a sequence series.

Discount Amount

Tracking Number

Optional field. Field is enabled when the status is “Open”. Enter tracking number.

PO Date

Defaults to current date. Edit by clicking


in the field and selecting a date from calendar.

Disocunt Precentage

Reference Number





Defaults to the person logged in. Buyer may be changed by selecting from the drop down.


Total cost of PO. This field will calculate based on products added.

Discount Amount

Enter a one time discount dollar amount that applies to this PO, if any. This amount does not carry over to the invoice. Must be entered while the PO is in a proposed status.


The company you are ordering product from.


Once the PO is saved, the Account Number, Phone Number, Fax Number, Email Address, and Website Address fields will fill in if that information exists on the Suppliers record.

Discount Percentage

Enter a one time discount percentage that applies to this PO, if any. This amount does not carry over to the invoice. Must be entered while the PO is in a proposed status.

Expected Arrival

Set an expected arrival date

Optional field. The date you expect the products to be delivered. Click in


the field and use the calendar

. Optional.Store Billing Address

to select a date.

Reference Number

For use if you have another number you need to note on the PO, such as an external PO number. This prints on the PO when exported.

Ship By

Set a ship by date

Optional field. The date by which you would like the products shipped. Click in


the field and use

calendar. Optional

the calendar to select a date.


Delivery Address

Billing Address

This pulls from Store Setup. It can be edited if the PO is in a proposed status. Changes made on the PO do not change the information in Store Setup.

Cancel After

Optional field. Set a cancel after date if you won’t want the product if it can’t arrive in time. Click in


the field and use the calendar

. Optional.Comments

to select a date.

Store Delivery Address

This pulls from Store Setup. It can be edited if the PO is in a proposed status. Changes made on the PO do not change the information in Store Setup.

Ship by Preference

Select shipping


method from drop down


Purchase Order Buttons

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+ Add Product

Button used to search for and add products to PO detail. Located in Header and Detail.

View Supplier Discount

If Supplier has Discounts attached to Supplier and Product record, use this button to view.

Export PDF

Change PO Status to Open and Save. Then select this button for PDF doc of PO.


Located in top right corner and at the bottom of the screen.



Enter additional information that does not fit elsewhere. This displays on the PO PDF that you export.

Purchase Order Add Product(s)

  1. Select + Add Product(s), from header or detail.

    Image Modified
  2. Enter search criteria to locate product(s).

  3. Select or unselect, Show with term.

  1. If selected, you are able to use the Filter by selected terms

if applicable
  1. dropdown .

  2. Select one or more products, by checking the check box, along the left of the items.

  3. Select OK, in the lower right corner, to add product(s) to PO

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  1. .

  2. Change Status to Open after all products are added and order has been placed with the supplier.

  3. Save.

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Purchase Order

Edit Product


Proposed Status


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The system assigned, unique identification number for a product.


Cost of item

, pulls

pulled from Product Maintenance. To solve for this, select the radio button above it and enter the known information in the margin and retail fields.


If the product is attached to a term, the term will display.


Margin of item

, pulls

pulled from Product Maintenance. To solve for this, select the radio button above it and enter the known information in the cost and retail fields.

Author/Title or Description

Book products display Author/Title. GM products display Description.


Retail of item

, pulls

pulled from Product Maintenance


. To solve for this, select the radio button above it and enter the known information in the cost and margin fields.

Variant 1/Copyright

GM products display Size. Book products display Copyright.

Units Per Package

Purchase Unit

GM only. Pulls from Product Maintenance.




the type of product: New Text, Used Text, Trade, Digital, or GM.


How many of the product you want to order.


Variant 2/Edition

GM products display Color. Book products display Edition.

Req Qty

The same as Qty, unless units per


package is not 1. Example: units per package is 6 and qty is 2, req qty is 12 (6


x 2)

Catalog #/ISBN

GM products display Catalog #. Book products display ISBN.


Total dollars per line. Cost

* Req Qty.

x Req Qty.


  1. You have 2 options for exporting the PO: Export PO (PDF), or Export PO (CSV).

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  2. Select Export and then Export PO (PDF) from the dropdown. Select or deselect if you would like to Include Retail. Select OK.

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5. PDF will download in browser. Select it to open and save or print as needed. (see example on the right)

6. If desired, select Export CSV (excel). File will download to browser. Select it to open and view. Note: The CSV export does not have detail on it at this time.

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Purchase Order Buttons

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+ Add Product

Button used to search for and add products to PO detail. Located in Header and Detail.

Delete PO

“Are you sure you want to delete this Purchase Order?” Pop up will appear then select Cancel or Delete accordingly.

Export PO

Change PO Status to Open and Save. Then select this button for PDF doc of PO. Upon selection, a popup will appear asking if you would like to include retail in the export. Select/Deselect and select OK.

View Supplier Discount

If Supplier has Discounts attached to Supplier and Product record, use this button to view.

Export CSV

Export an excel sheet of products and quantity on the purchase order.


Located in top right corner and at the bottom of the screen.

Export Receiving Document

Becomes active once the PO is in an Open Status. See PO Receiving Document for more information on this document.


Note: To remove a product line from the purchase order, select the


trash can icon, on the far right of the product line.

titleFirst Published 04/08/2021

titleEdited 0406/0821/20212023

© 2021 Nebraska Book Company, Inc.  PrismRBS  All rights reserved.