Prism Mobile Release Notes March 2020

Prism Mobile Release Notes March 2020


  • Update user interface when entering the Serial Number to match current look.

  • Added error messages when the information is not found for Tender Edits, Item Details, Item Discounts, and Transaction Discounts.

  • Centered Headers on Customer Account and Account Detail screens, changed Account Type with Account Name.

  • The Item Discount screen background has been changed to match the Transaction Discounts screen. Added grey header to make it stand out from the background. Remove the edit buttons from the discount detail line and add the bubble markers so when the discount is selected a checkmark now appears designating the active discount. Removed the search and apply buttons from the top and bottom of the screen.

  • Enhance the ability to remove as well as add a transaction discount.
    To apply a discount : Create a transaction, then select Transaction Discount button to select the discount. When a discount is selected a checkmark will display in the circle beside the discount and the discount will display as discount above the subtotal line. The subtotal, tax, and total recalculate based on the discount. When discount is applied a red * displays at the top of the transaction discount button. The discount will also display after tendering the transaction on the final tenders screen.

    To remove the discount : On the open transaction, select the transaction discount button again to display the transaction discount screen. Select the discount with the checkmark that is to be removed, the checkmark will uncheck and remove the discount. If there was only one discount applied, the discount will be removed from the totals section and the subtotal, tax, and pay amount will recalculate without that discount, and the red * will be removed from the transaction discount button.

    This change was made to remove extra steps and screens that could be combined into one. All actual changes to discounts must be done on the backend and not in the app.

  • Combine applying and removing item discounts into a single screen.
    To apply a discount: Select the item to discount, the item details screen will display, from this screen, select Apply next to discounts to display all the item discounts that are set up in PrismCore. When a discount is selected a checkmark will display in the bubble marker, the retail price will display in red on the detail line, designating discount, and the discount will display – recalculating the new subtotal, tax, and pay amount.

    To remove the discount: Select the item again to display the item details, select the apply button (notice after adding one discount a 1 displays next to discounts) to display the discounts. Select the discount with the checkmark beside it to remove the discount. Retail price will display in black (as long as there are not multiple discounts applied to that item), and the subtotal, tax, and pay amount will recalculate without that discount.

    This change was made to remove extra steps and screens that could be combined into one. All actual changes to discounts must be done on the backend and not in the app.

  • Adding the ability to utilize the built-in camera in place of the barcode scanner.

Bug Fixes

  • App was crashing when applying either an item discount or transaction discount where the value is variable, if a value is not placed in the dialog prior to selecting Apply. Now a popup will prompt saying there must add value to apply.

  • Corrected issue that prevented the keyboard from dismissing properly.


Published March 13, 2020

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