Rental Number Maintenance Partnership 1
Rental Number Maintenance <Ctrl+J 1012> is where rental records are maintained. In this module, you can view outstanding rentals, review historical information, and print rental reports.
NBC Partnership 1 rental records are not created in Rental Number Maintenance. They are created in the Order Decision Maintenance module. Once created, NBC Partnership 1 rental records can be viewed and maintained in Rental Number Maintenance.
Rental Records
A rental record has two main sections: the header and the detail. In the detail section, there are four tabs that are used to store rental information, both current and historical.
When a rental record is created, the rental record is attached to the corresponding textbook record. Only one rental record is created per title / ISBN. Rental information is then stored on the rental record for new and/or used.
A rental record is comprised of header information and a detail section. The header shows the book information. The detail section is divided by four tabs and contains information such as rental period(s), current rental customers, and rental history.
Rental Record Header
The header displays the description, new SKU, ISBN, rental agreement, binding, copyright, edition, prefix, imprint and comment (Item Maintenance comment). Three fields are editable: Description, Agreement and Prefix.
Field | Information |
Description | This description defaults to Author/Title. While the description can be edited, it’s recommend that it not be changed. |
Agreement | This field shows the agreement that was attached to the rental record when it was created. If you need to change the agreement attached to the record, click the ellipsis. A rental record must have an agreement. |
Prefix | This field is not used with dynamic rentals (where the rental barcode is assigned when rented). If you are pre-stickering rentals, this is an optional field, this field can be used to generate unique numbers for each rental copy. It is not necessary to do so, as the rental barcode serves the same purposed. See Auto Generate XREF for information. |
Rental Record Detail Section
The rental detail contains information used to track rental records. This includes the rental periods that the book was rented for, customer information and more. This information is organized via four tabs: Period, Detail, History and All History.
Period Tab
The Period tab shows which rental periods the book has been rented for, dates for each rental period, pricing information, whether or not the book rented as part of the NBC Partnership and more.
Below is a table containing information about each column with editable fields noted. To change a field, type the change in the field then click out of the field.
Column | Information | Editable |
Description | Description given to the rental period when it was opened. Both current and previous rental periods in which the book is or was available to rent display. | No |
Location | The location in which the rental period was opened. | No |
Sys | Designation of new (NTX) and used (UTX) rental information for a period | No |
Start | First day that students can rent textbooks for the rental period. Set on the Rental Period tab in Rental Configuration. | No |
Refund Exp | Last day students can receive a refund of the full rental price. Set on the Rental Period tab of Rental Configuration. | No |
End | Last day students can rent for the rental period. Set on the Rental Period tab in Rental Configuration. | No |
Due | Date that rentals are due back at the store from the students. Set on the Rental Period tab in Rental Configuration. | No |
Retail | Current retail selling price as seen at Item Maintenance. | No |
Cost | Current item cost as seen at Item Maintenance. | No |
Rental Price | Rental price as calculated using parameters set on the Configuration tab in Rental Configuration. If changed, the updated rental price applies only to future rentals for the rental period and not to copies already rented. | Yes |
Replace | Amount a student will be charged if the rental book isn’t returned by the due date. Calculated by parameters set on the Configuration tab in Rental Configuration. If changed, the updated replacement charge applies only to future rentals for the rental period and not to copies already rented. | Yes |
Fee | Amount added to the Replace amount when charging a student for rentals not returned to the store by the due date. Calculated by parameters set on the Configuration tab in Rental Configuration. If changed, the updated fee applies only to future rentals for the rental period and not to copies already rented. | Yes |
Active | Controls whether or not new and/or used copies can be rented. To rent new copies, ‘Active’ must be checked for the NTX line. To rent used copies, ‘Active’ must be checked for the UTX line. If you plan to rent only new, uncheck the UTX line. If you plan to rent only used, uncheck the NTX line. | Yes |
NMRP | Designation of whether or not a title is rented as part of NMRP. | No |
NBC | Designation of whether or not a title is an NBC Partnership title. ‘v1’ displays if a title is a NBC Partnership 1 rental. | No |
Rebate | Amount that NBC will pay for each copy (both new and used) rented. | No |
Rental Max | Maximum number of copies that can be rented for either new or used. If you entered Max Rental quantities in Rental Configuration, those quantities appear here. This can be different for different titles. Max Rental of 0 means unlimited rentals. | Yes |
Additional Info | Free form field that can be used to note additional information about a rental. If the information is applicable to both new and used, it must be entered on each line. Examples: “CD not required.” or “Solution card must be returned with text.” | Yes |
Manual Price | Indicates whether or not the rental price as calculated by the system has been manually changed. This box will be unchecked if the calculated rental price has not been manually edited. If the rental price has been manually edited, this box will automatically be checked. This setting identifies which manually edited prices may or may not be changed automatically, (depending upon settings in Rental Configuration) | No |
When a rental record is created and a rental period is attached to it, two lines are placed in the detail for the period, one line for new (NTX) and another for used (UTX).
When the rental record is created, the Active column is checked for NTX and/or UTX according to the Adoption parameters in Rental Configuration. You can check or uncheck as needed.
- If you want to rent New only, inactivate the Used line. Do not delete the Used line.
- If you want to rent Used only, inactive the New line. Do not delete the New line.
Right Click Options on the Period TabTwo options appear if you <right-click> on the period tab: Add Item and Delete Item. Add ItemThe option to add an item can be used to add a rental period to a rental record. This option is used when creating Store Managed rental records in Rental Number Maintenance. You cannot add lines for NBC Partnership rentals here as rental periods are attached when the rental record is created in Order Decision Maintenance. Delete ItemIf a title hasn’t yet been rented for a period, you can delete the rental period from the record to change a Store Managed title into an NBC Partnership 1 title, or vice versa. You cannot delete a line item once it’s been rented for the rental period. Detail TabThe detail tab has the names of customers with outstanding rentals as well as the rental barcodes assigned to the rental title. Rental barcodes that have been rented previously but are not currently rented will not show a customer name. Below is a table containing information about the fields in the Detail tab with editable fields noted. To change a field, type the change in the field then click out of the field.
Right Click on the Detail TabThere are three options on the <right-click> menu in the detail grid on the Detail tab: Auto Generate XREF, Print Tags and Delete Item. Auto Generate XREFIf you are renting all books dynamically, you will not use this option. If you are pre-stickering rentals, this is optional. If used, this option assigns rental barcodes to rental records. Additionally, you can also assign a prefix plus a sequential number.
Print TagsThis option is used to print title-specific tags that are to be put on specific rental copies. This is not the option used to print dynamic rental barcodes. Tags printed using this option include author, title, rental number, rental XREF, and DCC. The rental price will either print or not print as determined by the Type parameter setting in Rental Configuration. Step-by-step instructions
Delete ItemThe ‘Delete Item’ option will allow you to delete rental barcodes if they haven’t been used in a rental transaction. If the rental barcode is attached to an outstanding rental or has history on the History tab, it cannot be deleted. Only rental barcodes that haven’t been used can be deleted. History TabThe History tab displays the history of an individual rental barcode. To view the history, select the rental barcode on the Detail tab, then click the History tab. If you have used the same rental barcode for more than one rental period, you will see more than one line of history information. If you do not re-use rental barcodes, there will be only one line of history per barcode. Below is a table containing information about the fields in the History tab with editable fields noted. To change a field, type the change in the field then click out of the field.
Right Click on the History TabThe following options are on the <right-click> menu in the detail grid on the Detail tab
Depending upon whether or not the selected title is an NBC Partnership 1 title or a Store Managed rental, what you can do with some of these options is limited. View Tender InformationSuper users as well as any user in a group where View CC Numbers is enabled for PrismCore Rental Number Maintenance in PrismCore Admin Group Security will be able to view the information, information cannot be edited in this option. Change Billing InformationThis option opens the ‘Edit Rental History Information’ dialog. If necessary, you can change the Return Type and the Tender Type for the line item. You must have super user status or be a member of a group with View CC Numbers in Rental Number Maintenance to use this option. The option to change Return Type is useful if the incorrect book has been checked in as returned from the student due to a mix up of rental barcodes or the clerk selecting the incorrect student from a list of outstanding rentals. The option to change Tender Type can be used if when charging rentals not returned a card is declined and the student provides you with an alternative credit card or AR account.
Replace XREF This option can be to replace the rental barcode, number on a rental copy with a different rental barcode. Doing this will remove the line of history from the previous rental XREF and will place it under History and History All for the newly assigned XREF. If the newly assigned XREF has never been used before, a new entry will appear on the Detail tab and you must select that new line to view the history of the XREF. On the History tab, make sure you are on the correct line then <right-click>. Select ‘Replace XREF.’ Enter the new rental XREF in the New Rental XREF field then click ‘OK.’ Edit Refund Expiration DateThe Edit Refund Expiration Date option can be used only if the End Date of the rental period has not yet been reached. This option can be used to change the refund date for a specific rental record for a specific student. This is the option to use if a student missed the refund expiration date and you want to make an exception and grant a full refund of the rental price paid. (In contrast, the option under the hammer, ‘Reset Period Refund Date, changes the refund expiration date for all rentals for a selected period.) With ‘Edit Refund Expiration Date,’ you can change the refund expiration date to the current day’s date or a future date. You cannot set it to a date before the current day. If you attempt to enter a date that occurred before the current day’s date, you will see the message “The refund expiration date must be on or after today’s date.” Once the refund date is changed, the item can be refunded through the refund date. Using this option changes the refund expiration date only for the specific title and customer selected. It doesn’t affect the refund dates for any other rentals. Note: If you need to change the refund expiration date for an individual rental record and the chosen date is more than three weeks past the refund expiration date for the period, you may first need to change the refund expiration date for the entire rental period. It’s recommended that you contact PrismCore ICS Support if this is the situation. Edit Refund Expiration Date for a Single Rental
Send Email ReminderThis option is used to send an email a single customer. The template used for the email is the Reminder template. Step-by-step instructions
Process Replacement ChargesThis <right-click> option bills the replacement charge and fees (if applicable) for the specific title and student. It doesn’t bill for any other rentals or to any other students. This option can be used if you want to charge a student for a specific rental not returned without billing anything else. When this process is done for one title, the actions for that title are the same as if it’s included in the ‘Process Not Returned Billings’ option under the hammer. The following happens:
Step-by-step instructions
Close RentalThis <right-click> option closes the rental for the specific title and student. It doesn’t close any other rentals. This option can be used if you want to close an individual rental for an indivdiaul student without closing or charging for any other rentals not returned. When this process is done for one title, the actions for that title are the same as if it’s included in the ‘Close Open Rentals’ option under the hammer. The following happens:
All History TabThe information and options available on the ‘All History’ tab are similar to the information and options available on the ‘History’ tab. However, ‘All History’ shows the complete rental history of a title, while the ‘History’ tab shows the rental history of a single copy (i.e., rental barcode.) Below is a table with information on the column on the All History tab, editable fields are noted. To change a field, type the change in the field then click out of the field.
Hammer Options in Rental Number MaintenanceThe Hammer options in Rental Number Maintenance are:
Print Dynamic BarcodesThis option generates rental barcode stickers that are used for dynamic renting. These tags contain sequentially numbered rental barcodes but no book information and are designed to be placed on any book. Step-by-step instructions
Reset Period Refund Expiration DateThe option under the hammer to reset the Period Refund Expiration date should be used carefully. Here are some things to be aware of:
Reset Period Refund Expiration Date for the Entire Rental Period
NBC Partnership Return Reconciliation, Send Due Date Reminders, Process Not Returned Billings, Close Open RentalsThe NBC Partnership Return Reconciliation, Send Due Date Reminders, Process Not Returned Billings, and Close Open Rentals options will be discussed in End of Rental Period section. RNR Register AssignmentsThis hammer option is used when processes Rental Not Returned Transaction to set a specific register (terminal id) for all rentals done on that POS System. If no register is assigned to a specific POS, the RNR will be sent to the register at which the original rental was done. If you would like all RNR transactions to use a specific register, you would set that register using this hammer option. This is for rentals originally done through WinPOS and does not affect Mail or Web Order transactions. In a multi-location environment, the terminal assignment is specific only to the location assigned to the POS System, not the register, and cannot cross locations. |