Training Package Details
Bronze $3,000 Annually
Access to Self-Paced Training.
One seat for every required course.
Required courses include:
Course Materials Buyer ($1350)
Course Materials Assistant ($900)
General Merchandise Buyer ($1350)
General Merchandise Order Cycle ($900)
ICS Manager New or Existing Stores* ($1350)
Mail/Web Order Processor ($300)
Mail/Web Order Admin ($300)
PrismWeb Manager ($750)
PrismWeb Design* ($300)
Accounts Receivable ($900)
Accounts Payable* ($900)
General Ledger* ($900)
*Scheduled by request if they currently have or will be purchasing that module, and at the convenience of the store and PrismRBS training staff.
Silver $5,000 Annually
Access to Self-Paced Training.
One seat for every standard course year-round.**
Standard courses include:
Those listed as required under bronze
Course Materials Advanced*
ICS Financial Aspects*
PrismWeb Advanced*
*Scheduled by request and at the convenience of the store and PrismRBS training staff
Gold $10,000 Annually
Access to Self-Paced Training.
Unlimited seats for every standard course year-round.**
One custom online course, unlimited seats.***
Platinum $15,000 Annually
Access to Self-Paced Training.
Unlimited seats for every standard course year-round.**
One custom online course, unlimited seats.***
One custom on-site course (travel/lodging expenses are the responsibility of the customer and are charged separately).
*Year-round indicates the same session may be enrolled in multiple times.
For example, one seat for every standard course year-round means if ICS Basics is offered 12 times that store would have 1 seat in each of those 12 session. Unlimited seats means the store would be able to put as many employees in each of the same ICS Basics session.
**Unlimited implies within the limitations of the number of training participants allowed per session.
Note: All custom courses (online and on-site) will be scheduled at the convenience of the store and PrismRBS training staff.