Physical Inventory - Store Managed
PrismCore tracks both the number of books on the shelf and the number rented. As a result, when you take physical inventory, you need only to consider the books actually on the shelf. There’s no need to add the number of outstanding rentals to the quantities you count. PrismCore does this for you.
Physical Inventory Reports
The Inventory Value Report in the Physical Inventory module reflects the fact that not all books in a store’s inventory are physically in the store.
When printing this report, you can choose which stock on hand to include: On Shelf Qty Only, Rental Qty Only (outstanding rentals) or Total SOH (on shelf + outstanding rentals.)
The ‘on shelf’ quantity doesn’t include outstanding rentals.
No matter which version of the report you print, all textbooks with SOH > 0 are listed. This allows you to easily compare all three reports.
On Shelf Qty Only
Rental Qty Only
Notice that the third and fourth titles appear on the Rental Qty Only report even though zero copies of each book have been rented.
Total SOH
Inventory is valued based on the current count (on shelf plus outstanding rentals). Outstanding rentals are included and valued as part of the store’s inventory even though the copies are not physically in the store. When counting for physical inventory, there is no need to manually add outstanding rentals into the count as PrismCore does this automatically.