EDA Inventory

EDA Inventory

The Inventory application allows you to enter inventory quantities to upload to your inventory control program. If Batch Mode is not checked during configuration, the barcodes and inventory quantities entered via the EDA are received by PrismCore and held in PDT Data Maintenance. Periodically, during inventory, you must access the Physical Inventory module in PrismCore to move the EDA data from PDT Data Maintenance into the Physical Inventory Module.


The EDA information is sent to PDT Data Maintenance rather than directly to the Physical Inventory Module to safeguard your data. In the event that there is a problem with the transmission of data, your physical inventory files will not be corrupted.


In the EDA Inventory application, you will need to enter location, batch number, fixture and area information. Therefore, before starting, it is best to make sure that you have reviewed your pre-inventory checklist and that your store has been separated into fixtures and areas.


After scanning or entering a barcode on the EDA, the application will search your PrismCore ICS database and, if the item is found, displays product information. You can then enter the inventory quantity for the item and the information will automatically be transferred to PrismCore PDT Data Maintenance. If the item is not found in your database, you will need to add the item to Item Maintenance and Inventory Maintenance before you can enter an inventory quantity for it.

How to Use Inventory

Touch the Inventory icon. 

Touch Configure to configure your login. For detailed information on how to configure your login, refer to the “Logging into an Application” section of this document.


The parameter for Batch Mode is user controlled by the checkbox named “Batch Mode” in the EDA Configuration and can be changed as needed. Batch Mode is useful when you are out of range of the Wireless Access Point. Then the batch can be transmitted when you return within range.


When NOT using batch mode, the inventory data that you enter on the EDA is continuously transmitted to PrismCore PDT Data Maintenance and validated with your ICS program. It is automatic and real time inventory.


Once you have configured your login, touch Inventory.

The inventory screen will display the location, batch, fixture and area fields. Touch Edit Parameters to set the location, batch, fixture or area. If you are working with multiple store locations, it is important to make sure that the location is correct before scanning.


To change the location, touch the location displayed.

A dropdown box will display available locations. Select the correct location by touching it with the stylus.


To change the batch number, fixture or area, use the

Keyboard. The batch number must be

numeric. The fixture and area each have a maximum of 5 characters and can be alpha or numeric.


When all fields are set as you want them, touch. The correct location, batch, fixture and area should then display at the top of the inventory screen. Note that whenever necessary during your physical inventory, you can touch Edit Parameters to change the batch number, fixture or area.

You are now ready to scan or enter the XREX/SKU of an item using the keyboard. If the item is a book, you can also enter the ISBN.


Enter the item ID by scanning it or manually enter it.

The EDA may process for a moment as it searches ICS for a match.


When the item is found in your ICS database, the item information will show on the EDA screen.

 If the item is not found, the message XReference not found in DB. Would you like to add? will display. See the section “Physical Inventory – XReference Not Found” for more information on this prompt.

 The format of the information displayed on the EDA will depend upon whether you have scanned a general merchandise/trade item or a textbook.

 Scanning General Merchandise

 The Inventory screen will appear with item information.

 The Qty field defaults to 1. If this is correct, touch Update. Otherwise, enter the correct inventory quantity and then touch Update to transmit the information to ICS. If you want to clear the information without transmitting it, touch Clear.

 Reminder: Touching Update does not automatically change the stock-on-hand of the item in your Inventory Control System. Update transmits the information to PDT Data Maintenance in the physical inventory module. Refer to your Physical Inventory manual for information on how to move the EDA data from PDT Data Maintenance to the physical inventory file.


After you touch Update, the screen clears and returns to the XREF/SKU field. Scan the next item, enter the inventory quantity and Update. Note: If you need to change the batch, fixture or area, touch Edit Parameters to make changes before scanning the next item.

Scanning a Textbook/Tradebook

The Select Item box will appear and up to three SKUs, new, used, and trade, will be listed at the top of the screen. The SKU of the item that you scanned will be highlighted.


 For PrismCore, the “new” and “used” designation is displayed in the middle of the screen under the SKU. If you need to change to the other record, touch the other SKU in the Select Item box. When the item (new or used) that you are counting is highlighted, touch Select. A Qty field will appear in the lower left corner of the screen.

 The Qty field will default to 1. If this is correct, touch Update. Otherwise, enter the correct inventory quantity and then touch Update to transmit the information to ICS. If you want to clear the information without transmitting it, touch Clear.

Reminder: Touching Update does not automatically change the stock-on-hand of the item in your Inventory Control System. Update transmits the information to the temporary file in the physical inventory module.

Refer to your Physical Inventory manual for information on how to move the EDA data from PDT Data Maintenance to Physical Inventory.

Note: For PrismCore, after the inventory quantity has been entered, you still have the option to switch to the other new, used, or trade SKU, if necessary. To do this, touch the New/Used/Trade field and select the other record.

After you touch Update, the screen clears and returns to the XREF/SKU field. You can proceed with the next item. If you need to change the batch, fixture or area, touch Edit Parameters to make changes before scanning the next item.

When finished with the scanning session, go to the PDT Data Maintenance of PrismCore. Save a backup copy and then add the EDA information to the physical inventory file.

Reminder:      When doing a large inventory, it is recommended that you access the physical inventory module of PrismCore and periodically backup and add the EDA information to the physical inventory files. This will help prevent loss of data in the event that a problem with transmitting data occurs. 

Inventory – XReference Not Found

 If a scanned item is not recognized, i.e., a match is not found for it in ICS, a dialog box will appear on the EDA screen. The message XReference not found in DB. Would you like to add? will be displayed.

If you touch NO, information will not be sent to PrismCore. If you touch Yes you can proceed with entering an inventory quantity and Update the record.


 The item will then show as an “Item Not Found” in The ICS Physical Inventory module and must be cleaned up before you post inventory. For more Information on how to clean up items not found, refer to your Physical Inventory manual.

Inventory – Lookup

 When an item is scanned for inventory and the item information is displayed on the EDA screen, Lookup is displayed on the right side of the screen. You can touch this button to see detailed information about the item, if desired.

In Lookup, touch the circle next to P to display product information or I to display the inventory information. With both types of information, use the scroll bar on the right side of the to view more information. When finished reviewing the information, touch OK to return to the Inventory Screen.


Note: The Lookup function at the Physical Inventory screen is a shortcut to the Lookup application. During physical inventory, for example, it may be helpful to see current SOH or the last inventory date of an item. For more information on the Lookup module, refer to the Lookup section of this document.

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