Warranty Rental Agreement - Partnership 2

Warranty Rental Agreement - Partnership 2

When a rental record is created, a rental agreement is attached to it.

A rental agreement includes the terms that the student agrees to when renting a book. You can have one rental agreement per period, or multiple agreements, such as one for textbooks alone and one for textbooks with CDs and other materials. Make sure all relevant information is contained in the rental agreement. If necessary, check with your legal department about the terms of your rental agreement.
Only one rental agreement can be attached to a rental title at any time. If there are multiple open rental periods, you will need to ensure your agreement works for all open periods.

When renting at the cash register, the agreement can print on receipt paper or on half-sheet inserts, depending upon setup in PrismCore Admin. When renting via PrismWeb, the customer must agree to the terms before check-out.

Rental agreements are entered and maintained at Warranty/Rental Agreements (Ctrl-J 103). Once entered, they are available to attach to rental records. To send the agreement to the web, make sure that “Rental Agreement” is checked in the header of the agreement record. Selecting the checkbox will generate an "ADD" packet to send the Rental Agreement to PrismWeb and unselecting it will generate a "DELETE" packet.

Rental agreements are attached to NBC Rental Partnership titles when rental records are created in the Order Decision module. The agreement attached to an individual rental record can be changed at Rental Number Maintenance.

A sample rental agreement is available in PrismCore. Edit the agreement as necessary to make it appropriate for your store or create new ones as needed. Each time you change or update the agreement, the date in the Modified field will change.

Step-by-step instructions to add a new agreement

  1. Access Warranty/Rental Agreements <Ctrl-J 103>.

  2. Click the plus sign or press <F4>.

  3. Enter a name for the agreement (up to 50 characters).

  4. Do not select a manufacturer.  Leave the field blank.

  5. Check Rental Agreement.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Using the text editor, enter the text of your rental agreement.

 Step-by-step instructions to edit an existing agreement

  1. Access Warranty/Rental Agreements <Ctrl-J 103>.

  2. Using Quick Search, locate the agreement.

  3. Edit the text as desired.

  4. Click the blue check in the tool bar or press <F10>.


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