Version 25 Mobile POS_PrismPOS 360 Release Notes

Version 25 Mobile POS_PrismPOS 360 Release Notes

Version 25 Mobile POS/PrismPOS 360 Release Notes

Mobile POS / PRISM360

Receipts Now Exported to PRISM360 POS and Mobile POS (477150 and 486908) (PrismCore 25.0.3, PRISM360 POS 1.0.4, Mobile POS 4.01)
Receipt Templates are now be exported from PrismCore to PRISM360 POS and Mobile POS. Included in the receipt export is a process to check if a Merchant receipt is to be printed with the Customer receipt. In order for the receipt template to be exported, the receipts must be added to the register in PrismCore Admin > POS tab > Parameters > Registers > Edit Register.
Signature Added to Mobile POS Receipt (436977) (PrismCore Version 24.1.3, PRISM360 POS Version 1.0.3, Mobile App Version 3.25)
Signatures have been added to the Mobile POS receipts. When a signature is done on Mobile POS, the signature will print on the receipt. Note: Currently signatures do not show in Transaction Inquiry.
Packages and Mobile POS (486877) (PrismCore Version 25.0.4, PRISM360 POS Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.02)
Packages have been added to the xml file so that packages can be sold on Mobile POS.
Error Applying Taxes (487513) (PrismCore Version 25.0.4, PRISM360 Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.02)
On Mobile POS, when ringing up an item with a cost of $9.99 with tax of 6.5% the message "Unable to fully allocate tax remainder to items" was given. This has been fixed so that the transaction completes without error with the correct tax amount.
Gift Card Balance Inquiry (490041) (PRISM360 POS Version 1.0.4)
When doing a gift card Balance Inquiry on PRISM360, an unknown error was being given. This has been fixed to return the correct balance instead of an unknown error.
No Sale Transactions and PRISM360 (469939) (PrismCore 25.0.3, PRISM360 POS 1.0.4)
Code has been added to import No Sale transactions from PRISM360 POS.
Unregistered Phone Issues (491109) (PRISM360 POS 1.0.4, Mobile POS 3.26+)
On Mobile POS, when logging out from the "Tools" menu, the phone was being unregistered. This has been fixed so that the cashier is logged out, and the phone does not unregister.
Mobile POS and Printing with iOS 6.1 (491108) (PRISM360 POS 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 3.28)
Apple released iOS 6.1, and printing no longer worked with Mobile POS. This has been fixed so printing works with version Mobile POS 3.28 running iOS 5.1, iOS 6.0 and iOS 6.1. Currently there is a 7 second delay when printing signatures with iOS 6.1.
Mobile POS and Signatures (471932) (PrismCore Version 24.1.3, PRISM360 POS 1.0.3, Mobile App Version 3.25)
Signatures have been added to the Mobile POS receipts. When a signature is done on a Mobile POS transaction, the signature will print on the receipt. Note: Currently signatures do not show in Transaction Inquiry.
PRISM360 Receipts (483736 and 483770) (PrismCore Version 25.0.3, PRISM360 POS Version 1.0.4)
To make the receipts consistent, the following will print on each of the receipts.

  • On a Post Voided receipt the receipt will print - "**** Post Voided ****".
  • On a Reprinted Receipt the receipt will print - "**** Reprinted Receipt ****"
  • On a Suspended transaction the receipt will print "**** Transaction Suspended ****"
  • On a Cancelled transaction the receipt will print "**** Transaction Cancelled ****"

Post Voids on Mobile POS (477170 and 470004) (PrismCore Version 25.0.2, PRISM360 Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.01)
When a post void was processed from Mobile POS, the original sale was not being post voided in PrismCore's Transaction Inquiry. This has been fixed, so that when a transaction is post voided on Mobile POS, Transaction Inquiry will display "Post Voided" on the original transaction.
Rental Returns / Refunds on Mobile POS (401410) (PrismCore Version 24.0.2, PRISM360 Version 1.0.3, Mobile App Version 3.10)
When rentals were rented on WinPOS and then returned or refunded on Mobile POS, the transaction didn't always return or refund correctly. Mobile POS has been modified to verify the rental refund/return against the rental dates. The Rental Return button will now be removed from the phone display during the rental refund period (the Rental Refund button is available until the Refund Expiration date occurs). The Rental Return button will re-display after the rental refund expiration date as well as when the rental period is over. This allows for the rental to only be refunded up until the refund expiration date and returned at zero dollars after that date.
Importing Signatures (483727) (PrismCore Version 25.0.4, PRISM360 POS Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.02)
Signatures are now imported to POS from Mobile POS and PRISM360 POS with transactions, if a signature is required on the tender. Also, tenders without signatures will process correctly and will not cause an error.
Shipping Phone Number Limited (477169) (PrismCore Version 25.0.2, PRISM360 POS Version 1.0.4)
The Location export to Mobile POS was changed to limit the shipping phone number to 16 characters.
Receipt Templates (477181) (PrismCore Version 25.0.5, PRISM360 POS Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.02)
The Register and Tender receipt template exports have been modified to only send inserts that are supported on Mobile POS. If a Register or Tender has an unsupported template, the xml file will still be processed without error.
No Longer Use App.Config (480996) (PrismCore Version 25.0.1, PRISM360 POS Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 1.04)
The PRISM360 POS Import/Export has been modified to not use app.config for Entity Framework.
Descriptions Over Eighty Characters (477167) (PrismCore Version 25.0.1, PRISM360 POS Version 1.0.4, Mobile POS App Version 4.01)
When detail descriptions were greater than 80 characters in length, the Mobile POS transaction would error when processed. This has been fixed so that only 80 characters can be used, and when the transaction is imported into PrismCore from Mobile POS, only 77 characters are displayed. This includes Author and Description.
Discounts Not Sent to PRISM360 (477157) (PrismCore Version 25.0.5, PRISM360 Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.02)
Discounts attached to an A/R Account in WP Admin were not being sent with the Account to PRISM360. This has been fixed so that the discounts are now sent with the A/R Accounts as expected.
No Sale Functionality (479306) (PRISM360 Version 1.0.4)
The No Sale Function has been added to allow No Sale transactions to be done on a PRISM 360 POS Register.
Special Items on Mobile and PRISM360 (471611) (PrismCore Version 24.1.3, PRISM 360 POS 1.0.3, Mobile App Version 3.25)
When a Special Item (gift card, DCC, etc) was added to a transaction on Mobile POS, any subsequent Special Items were incorrectly added with the same price. The user was not given an amount screen to enter a new price for the additional Special Items. This has been fixed so that the amount screen is given anytime a Special Item is added to the transaction.
Discounts Sent Over Properly from PrismCore (486878) (PrismCore Version 25.0.5, PRISM360 POS 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.02)
The "IsDccDiscount" property has been renamed to "IsAccountDccDiscount" in the ExportSaleItemDiscount class.
Taxes on Mobile and PRISM360 POS (489812) (PrismCore Version 25.0.5, PRISM360POS Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.02)
The tax export has been modified to limit the Tax Type name to 32 characters. On Prism360 Mobile and PRISM 360 POS, the tax type will only display 32 characters.
Pay Ins and Pay Outs (477155) (PrismCore Version 25.0.5, PRISM360 POS Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.02)
Pay Ins and Pay Outs have been added to PRISM 360 and Mobile POS.
NOTE: Currently only supported with PrismCore Mobile users. PRISM POS is currently in process of adding support for Pay Ins and Pay Outs on mobile.
Dual Receipts (495776 and 493987) (PrismCore Version 25.0.8, PRISM360 POS Version 1.0.4) When printing dual receipts (Customer and Merchant), those receipts were not printing the same on PRISM 360 even though the same fields were checked. This has been fixed so that the Customer and Merchant receipts look the same when printed.
Backup File Field Added (499394)
A new field has been added to WPConsole > Thunder Import/Export > Properties > Configuration tab > Days to Keep Backup Files. The number entered in this field is the number of days that xml files in the Thunder > Backup directory will be saved.
Quick SKUs on PRISM360 (479320) (PRISM360 Version 1.0.4)
The tables have been restructured to allow all Special Items to have a number assigned (Quick SKU) for SKU's and DCC's. The number is saved to the database per item/profile.
Non-Merch Insert (502037) (PrismCore Version 25.1.2, PRISM360 version 1.0.4)
The Non-Merch insert has been added to PRISM 360, allowing Non-Merch inserts to print.
Refunding Gift Cards Added (499396) (PrismCore Version 25.1.5, PRISM 360 Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.12)
The ability to refund a transaction to a gift card has been implemented in PRISM 360 and PRISM 360 Mobile.
Dual Receipt Double Spaced (507330) (PrismCore Version 25.1.4, PRISM 360 Version 1.0.4) When a dual receipt is printed on a rental transaction, the rental section of the merchant receipt was printing double spaced. This has been correct to be single spaced to match the Customer receipt.
Customer ID Not Printing (508381) (PrismCore Version 25.1.5, PRISM 360 Version 1.0.4) The Customer ID was not printing on the Check Endorse insert when a transaction ran on PRISM 360 was tendered with a check. This has been fixed to print the customer ID on the Check Endorse.
A/R Insert Incorrect (507344) (PRISM 360 Version 1.0.4)
The A/R insert was not printing correctly. When a customer had two valid accounts but only used one for the tender, the register was prompting for two inserts (one for each account). This has been fixed so that if one account is used only that account information will print on the A/R insert and only one insert will be prompted. If more than one account is used, the accounts used will be printed on the insert but still only one A/R insert will be prompted.
Cancelling Inserts (503289) (PRISM 360 Version 1.0.4)
When cancelling an insert that had multiple pages, the next page was prompting instead of cancelling all pages. This has been fixed so that when the first page of the insert is cancelled, any remaining pages are cancelled as well and will not prompt the user to print.
Phone Registration (499246) (Mobile POS Version 4.08)
Code has been changed so that the /1.0.4 extension does not need to be entered at the end of the server name when registering and logging into the phone.
Discount Plan (469897) (PrismCore Version 25.1.2, Thunder Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.09)
The discount plan is a new type of discount, and is found in the discounts module in PrismCore Admin > POS tab > Parameters > Discounts. The new type is added to the Type combo-box, and is the last entry in the combo. When this discount type (Discount Plan) is selected, the Discount Plan sub tab will appear. When the discount plan is the discount type, and another type is selected, the "Discount Plan" tab will disappear. The "Discount Plan" tab works very similar to the discount tabs for Account Maintenance and Membership Account maintenance. There are three additional fields for each DCC Discount, "Discount Type" (percentage/dollar), "Stackable" and "Sale Method" (Full Price Only/Sale or Full Price). The tree control allows only text in the additional columns; the only way to change these three new fields is by selecting a DCC and then double clicking on a row. This will bring up the "Edit Discount Plan DCC" dialog. This dialog allows the user to edit any of the 3 fields for the DCC and also the discount, which can now be a percentage or dollar amount. NOTE: Double clicking on the "Discount" column will not bring up this dialog, because this column is editable. The following fields will default to these values when a new discount is added:

  • Discount Type: Percentage
  • Discount: 0.00
  • Stackable: Yes
  • Sale Method: Full Price Only

NOTE: Discount plans are for Transaction Discounts only and will work only for PRISM 360 and PRISM 360 Mobile.
Tender Sort Added (514851) (PrismCore Version 25.2.1, PRISM 360/Mobile Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.16)
A new column has been added to the Tender_Codes table called Display Order. This column allows users to determine the way the tenders are displayed on PRISM 360/Mobile.
DCC Sales and Discounts (513403) (PrismCore Version 25.2.1, PRISM 360/Mobile Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.16)
DCC sales were not giving a discount when the discount was allowed on the DCC. This has been fixed so that when the "Discounts" checkbox is checked for a DCC in PrismCore Admin > Inventory Control tab > Store Set Up > Department/Class/Category and a discount is applied to the DCC sale, a discount is given. If the "Discount" checkbox is unchecked for a DCC, a discount will not be applied. NOTE: Both a Transaction and Item discount can be given when the "Discount" checkbox is checked. If unchecked, the Item discount will be disabled. The Transaction discount button will be enabled but will not apply to the DCC sale.
Delay Using Mobile POS (509211) (Mobile POS App Version 4.12)
A site was having a delay logging into the iPhone because of the amount of accounts that were being pulled down. This issue has been fixed.
Editing Customer on Mobile (508386) (Mobile POS App Version 4.12)
Editing a customer on PRISM 360 Mobile was displaying "Unknown Error" when the save button was pressed. This has been fixed to save the customer information without error.
Memberships and PRISM360 (493962 and 480988) (PrismCore Version 25.1.4, PRISM 360/Mobile Version 1.0.4, Mobile App Version 4.10)
The ability to run Memberships on PRISM 360 and PRISM 360 Mobile have been added. The membership sales can consist of transaction discounts or DCC based item discounts.
Security Issues (514303) (PrismCore Version 25.2.4, PRISM 360 Version 1.0.4)
If a cashier was a member of a group with manager rights, they had all permissions regardless if the "Types" checkboxes were checked in PrismCore Admin > Inventory Control tab > Security > Group Security. If the "Manager" checkbox was left unchecked, the cashier had no permissions regardless if the "Types" checkboxes were checked or not. This has been changed to the following:

  • Super User - all types are allowed including price overrides.
  • Manager (checked) - all types are allowed including price overrides.
  • Not Super User/Manager (unchecked) - Deny price overrides and allow whatever checkboxes are checked in the "Types" window.
  • No Security Group Assigned - Deny all.

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