Gift Cards - Mosaic

Gift cards can be created (or imported) ahead of time in Mosaic or you can create them on the fly by selling them at the cash register.

At the register, scan the card in the transaction and enter the amount for it. Finish the transaction.

If the gift card did not already exist in Gift Cards in Mosaic, it will be created when the transaction comes over.

If the gift card had been created in Mosaic ahead of time, the balance updates after the transaction is complete.

When you sell them on a web order, you will need to create them and enter the amount in the Gift Cards screen in Mosaic after you finish processing the order.

Main Record

  1. In the Gift Cards homepage, you are able to search for and edit existing gift cards.
    Toggle what is viewed in the results field with the “Show Active Only” dropdown to either Show All Statuses, Show Active Only, or Show Inactive only.

  2. Select + Add from Gift Cards screen.

Gift Cards home page


Add Gift Cards

  1. Enter the Gift Card Code. This is the only REQUIRED field.

  2. Fill in the rest of the information as desired, as defined below.

  3. Status defaults to Active, move to inactive if desired in dropdown.

  4. Last Trans. Date defaults in upon use.

  5. Enter Comment if desired. Internal Only.

  6. Select Save.









Gift Card Code

Gift Card identifying code. (16-digits typically)

Expiration Date

Date Gift Card expires if applicable.


PIN # for Gift Card, enter if desired.


2000 character limit. Internal Only.





Issue Date

Date the Gift Card was issued.



Last Trans. Date

Will populate upon use, updates to most recent transaction.



Gift Card Report

  1. On the Gift Cards homepage, select Export.

  2. A PDF downloads to your browser.

  3. Open PDF to Gift Card Report.

  4. Review information.

Note: this report also exists in Reports > Report Templates.


First Published 04/07/2022

Edited 07/19/2023

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