February 23, 2022 Mosaic Release Notes

Release notes statement

New functionality added to Mosaic, may or may not be immediately available to all clients depending on functional readiness or licensing. Throughout release notes the phrase “If enabled” is used to designate capabilities that may be turned on or off. Such options may be available to a limited audience or hidden until a future update. These options will still be referenced in release notes to make clients aware of complete application capabilities. 

PrismWeb Integration

Tax Free flag – As part of the online profile, a GM product may be marked as tax free. This option disregards all other tax settings to ensure that sales of supplies vouchers or gift cards never have tax applied.

Web Order Number – The web order number assigned by Mosaic, is now synchronized with PrismWeb to mitigate confusion around customer documents.

Shipping Address – To ensure continuous visibility, the web order date and shipping address are presented inside the Work Order modal window.

Receipts/Packing Lists – The customer’s first name is included on web order receipts and packing lists. The first name was inadvertently removed in a recent release.

Search Buyback values – If enabled on PrismWeb, a store’s website will now present active book buyback values as configured in Mosaic.

Accounts Receivable

AR Account properties now show all associated transactions via the Transactions tab. Mosaic application users may also print the transaction list as it appears in Mosaic (IE with search, filters, sort applied) for an electronic or paper audit.

Course Materials

Order Decisions – Order decisions term details are now fixed to the Edit Order Decision screen to eliminate the double scroll bars previously shown.


POS Device Reconciliation report – Several updates were made to the POS Device Reconciliation report to ensure report integrity. This collection of changes ensures expected balancing of revenue collected against revenue breakdown by device or cashier for a selected date range. Some changes include:

  • Web register values for shipping and shipping tax are now included.

  • Manual edits to web order taxes are captures as “other tax” to be accommodated for.

  • Cash ‘change due’ is removed from the revenue collected.

  • Revenue breakdown includes DCC values, where previously only SKU associated sales/refunds were shown.

  • Date filters are managed correctly to avoid potential overruns resulting from UTC time zone conversions.

Total Inventory Value report – The Total inventory report now excludes items with zero stock on hand when requested. In prior releases, some parameters printed all items despite a request to exclude zero SOH.

Miscellaneous Enhancements & Fixes

Application Date/Time management – For consistency and as expected in modern applications, all time values in Mosaic are recorded as UTC. Throughout the application date selectors and time-based reporting have been adjusted to use a store’s local time zone offset as configured in store setup to present the appropriate transaction data.

Web Catalog – Exception errors that were blocking users from saving web catalog updates were resolved.

UI/UX – Updates were made to Mosaic’s interface to ensure the application meets accessibility standards and improve the appearance for all users. Changes include:

  • Improved contrast for content headings and non-selected pagination numbers.

  • Corrections to blurriness and apparent bottom cropping on both versions (full-color and white) of the header logo

  • Adjustments to colors of inactive tabs so they’re less eye-catching in general and differentiated when scrolling.

Stock Adjustments from PrismPOS – To ensure complete details on the stock adjustment report, the cost associated with any sold product will be updated from Mosaic data if it is not included with a POS adjustment record.

Known Issues

Web Catalog Groups - Web catalog group maintenance does not always refresh automatically upon selection. As such, recently added Catalogs may not appear for selection. If a recently added catalog is not visible, please reload the browser page by press F5 or <Shift>-F5 to force the page to load new content.

AR Transactions - The “Export Results” button is not currently functional. This capability will be finished in the next production update.


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