Spectrum Session Q&A-RATEX Product Roadmap Discussion

Does Vortx have webinar on how to interpret Google  data?

No, but we will be developing topical webinars in the coming months, this is an excellent suggestion.


What is the ETA on fixing the display problem for CHOOSE ONE OF THREE textbooks on eRATEX? (This is the one where it tells you you must have all three when in fact you need to choose one, then tells the customer that two more required books are needed if they select just one book.)

Will be included in 1.20 release due May 4


Will eRatex works with Mosaic?

No decision yet on which ecommerce product will ultimately integrate to Mosaic.


Will there be better notification of upcoming changes?  Example: the course material screen changed without notice.

We email release announcements prior to deployment, goal is to send at least a week in advance but that is not always possible. We will do a better job gathering your input before completing development on projects like the course list revision.


Is there a way to use PayPal thru CyberSource?

Paypal and Cybersource do not share an integration. We have a small VR patch that will enable you to reconcile PayPal transactions in the way you reconcile your online credit card transactions today.


 What about Apple Pay availability?

 Apple Pay is on the roadmap, not ETA yet.


Will the Cloudflare changes be included with our monthly maintenance fees?

 No additional cost for Cloudflare, it is included in your maintenance fees.


Will CO.SHF be able to  export to a SQL system?

Not currently, perhaps down the road.


How do we get access to CO.SHF in RG?

That is a forthcoming enhancement.


A relative to venmo, has cashapp been investigated?

We have no plans for cashapp as of now.


Our University is seeking to become designated as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and we have a large diversity of students we serve - have you explored how our sites are translated into other languages, via apps and browsers?  Is there a WCAG2.0AA rating for translatability?

The good news is that we do have a language pack that we can sell you that covers a large majority of the screen prompts and translates into Spanish (both us-es and es-es). What we haven't specifically looked at is the counterplay of a second locale with WCAG requirements. We will look into this and let you know once we know more.


I am still concerned that my system will keep me competitive.  My team does need additional training- especially on eRatex.

We will begin offering focused eRATEX training sessions that will be available to view. 10-20 minute tutorials. We welcome you to suggest topics.