Obtaining Additional Information - NBC Direct

Obtaining Additional Information - NBC Direct

In addition to the ability to view, print, create and update PO's with NBC Direct response information, PrismCore allows you to access the original sent message at any time, through the Outgoing or Incoming messages module.
To obtain additional information about a message:

  1. Access either Incoming or Outgoing Messages.

  2. Right-click the detail line you wish to obtain more information for.

  3. Choose "Properties" from the dialog.

  4. The following dialog will display:

Each tab of the dialog represents different available information, and is explained below.
General Info: This tab displays information regarding the vendor, PO or Want list number or name, tracking type chosen, status, and the date of the last update.
Activity Log: This tab displays information regarding the actual sending and receiving flow of the message.
Source Document: This tab displays information showing the items on the original want list or PO.
Item Info: This tab shows a summary of the response for each individual item on the PO or want list.